Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One [Святослав Игоревич Дубянский] (fb2) читать онлайн

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Svyatoslav Dubyanskiy Prema Sai Baba. The Mystery of God. Part One

The Beginning of the Prema Sai Mission,

from Birth to Eleven Years


I express my deepest gratitude to all my friends and relatives who took an active part in the work on this book. Thank you all for your kind and helpful advice, valuable information, technical, and financial support.

Special thanks to my wife Svetlana Dubyanskaya, as well as to my parents, Father — Igor Grigoryevich (1930–2020) and Mother — Tamara Alekseevna (1934–2019).

Special thanks to Anupriya Wijayaweera for arranging the publication of this book. Thanks go to Alexander Bukreev for the cover design.

1. The wonderful work of God

This book is dedicated to Prema Sai Baba, the divine incarnation of the 21st century. Prema Sai Baba is the third incarnation of God on Earth, in our era. The first was Shirdi Sai Baba (1835–1918), the second was Sathya Sai Baba (1926–2011).

At the outset, I must acknowledge the difficulty of writing this book at this very moment. It is now 2023. The previous incarnation of God, Sathya Sai Baba, left the physical body in 2011, that is, twelve years ago.

Prema Sai Baba was born on June 28, 2012. At the time of writing this book, Prema Sai Baba is eleven years old. I have been visiting his house for eight years and watching every day of his childhood growth and development. The first time I met the divine child was when he was three years old.

Across the years, I understood that sooner or later I would have to write a book about the divine boy, and so collected testimonies and materials that would, one day, become invaluable material. Subsequently, when the boy becomes an adult, a huge number of people will observe the events of his life and testify to these accounts. Now, as he is just a child, only a few can see his life and development.

I did not think I would start writing this book so soon. Until recently, it seemed that at least a few more years, or even decades, would surely pass before I would be ready to present materials, facts, testimonies and reflections on the events of Prema Sai Baba's childhood to readers.

I imagined the deeper meaning of the events I was witnessing would become clearer with time. As a rule, hindsight provides clarity, which is why I was certain I should wait and simply observe the development of events in the life and mission of Prema Sai Baba. Any historical event is always easier to comprehend and understand years later.

When significant events unfold before you, it is extremely difficult to coherently describe your thoughts and feelings while you’re amid the experience, since their deep meaning is not yet fully understood. There can be a fear of making a mistake if something is not accurate or if it’s incorrectly interpreted. The responsibility in writing such a book is too great when the account is about the story of God's childhood on Earth.

Who can fully understand the purpose and play of God? Even after many centuries, in fact, little will still be understood. Why wait? I cannot understand Sai Baba now, but neither will I be able to understand him in a thousand years. Who can boast of having fully understood the life and mission of Krishna, Buddha and Jesus Christ?

Directly after the 2023 Shivaratri festival, I realized I must start working on the book, immediately. The next day, I started writing.

The symbolism of Shivaratri is deep and mysterious; this is the great night of the god Shiva. Some interpret this holiday as the most favorable time for meditation, while others interpret it as a great time to work with positive intentions. The cosmic vibrations are especially strong on this wonderful night, and everyone directs the energy in accordance with their priorities.

At that time, the political situation in the world was extremely tense and even dangerous. The boy Prema Sai Baba seemed “out of this world”; he was thoughtful and his consciousness was as if to be somewhere very far away. I felt as if he was blessing the whole world in gaining wisdom and peace. After Shivaratri, I felt I had to start work, immediately.

2. Predictions that are difficult to interpret

For many years, Sathya Sai Baba has predicted that after his passing he will be reincarnated as the next divine incarnation on Earth and that his name will then be Prema Sai Baba. In the pages of this book, we will consider the predictions of Sathya Sai Baba; however, they are very contradictory and allow different interpretations regarding the time, place and circumstances of his next birth as Prema Sai Baba.

Sathya Sai Baba most often said he would be born in the next life in the state of Karnataka, in southern India. However, the exact place of his birth as Prema Sai Baba has been revealed to different people in different ways. Sometimes, he said he would incarnate in the area of the city of Mandya, while other times he pointed to the small town of Channapatna or to the vicinity of the city of Mysore.

In some predictions he spoke about the ancient village of Doddamallur, and sometimes he predicted he would be born in the village of Gunaparthi. Admittedly, among the possible places of his next birth, he even pointed to the city of Calcutta, which is located in a completely different part of India.

Speaking about the time of his birth, Sathya Sai Baba was also contradictory in his predictions. Sometimes, he pointed out he would be incarnated eight years after his departure, and other times he said he would be incarnated in just one year. The question also arises from which moment to count the eight years or the one year. Perhaps the time of his next incarnation should be determined from the date of his physical death on April 24, 2011. Some believe the starting point should be 2021 or 2022.

Sathya Sai Baba predicted he would live until the age of 96 (until 2022), but in fact he left the body at the age of 84 (in 2011). Some researchers suggest the time of his next birth should still be calculated from 2021 or 2022.

All the above calculations show that Prema Sai Baba could be born between 2012 and 2030.

3. One consciousness — many bodies

Already now in 2023 there are about ten candidates for being “called” Prema Sai Baba. Some candidates are around twenty years old, which means they were born before Sathya Sai Baba left the body. Some of these candidates were born in the early 2000s or even in the 1990s.

Sathya Sai Baba passed away in 2011, so this is strange speculation. Comparatively, there are also candidates who are now about ten years old, and there are also newborn babies. Information about some candidates is accessible on the Internet, and some we know about only through rumors.

Guaranteed, we believe there are six or seven candidates, and the rest is just speculation. Since some of the candidates are still infants at the time of writing, their groups of followers carefully guard them and try not to leak information about the circumstances of their birth.

Of course, over time, it may turn out the rumors about some of the baby candidates may turn out to be only fantasies. Such is the difficult situation at the moment in 2023.

Older candidates have already established their own ashrams in various parts of India. How can Prema Sai Baba incarnate before Sathya Sai Baba leaves his body? From a rational point of view, this is impossible.

However, the proponents of those candidates who were born ten or fifteen years before Sathya Sai Baba's departure quite logically argue that we cannot limit God. If the Absolute Consciousness of God decided to incarnate in a new body before the previous body died, what could prevent God from doing so? Does God have limits at all?

Speaking about various candidates, one should remember not only their age, but also their place of birth. Sathya Sai Baba pointed to various possible birthplaces of Prema Sai Baba, most notably the South Indian state of Karnataka. Different candidates were born not only in the state of Karnataka, but also in several other states: Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh.

There are rumors of candidates in the states of Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal. Once again, the supporters of these candidates argue that nothing is impossible for God, including drastically changing not only the date, but also the place of one's birth.

Obviously, God is not subject to anyone and nothing. He can change everything, including the time and place of his birth; however, the question then arises: are predictions needed at all, if in fact what happens is not what was predicted?

The multi-million community of Sai Baba devotees is split into several groups that support different candidates, and some reject all. The difficulty also lies in the fact that older candidates already work miracles, show clairvoyance, materialize rings and rosaries for visitors, and most importantly, show significant energy and spiritual strength.

Visitors who come to public events led by these candidates experience subtle spiritual states and divine mystical experiences. This indicates these young people do not just "proclaim" themselves, but show certain energy and spiritual powers, at least indirectly confirming their uniqueness.

Performing miracles does not prove outright that a given candidate is a divine incarnation, just as the absence of miracles cannot disprove the fact that one of these candidates could be a divine incarnation.

The presence or absence of miracles does not prove or disprove anything. However, the presence of miraculous powers and the feeling of a divine presence at least indicates the uniqueness of most of these young people who proclaim themselves as Prema Sai.

It is very difficult to make your choice. It is a responsible decision; and therefore, it is psychologically safer to reject all candidates. Those Sai followers who reject all pretenders prefer to maintain that the real Prema Sai Baba must be born in the future. Such an attitude can become a trap for those who will wait for the divine incarnation in the eternal future and miss the manifestation of God in the present.

The complexity of choice exists only for the human mind, which is entangled in the eternal game of God. The human mind tends to be logical and monosyllabic. The mind cannot understand predictions about the place and time of Prema Sai Baba's birth, for they are many-sided. The human mind also finds it difficult to sort through the leapfrog of numerous candidates.

Perhaps the number of candidates will grow. I do not dare to guess how many there will be in a few years. Is it possible the candidates will be not only boys, but also girls? Is it possible there will be candidates not only in India, but also in other countries? It's hard to say. Anything is possible.

I hold the feeling that God (Absolute Consciousness) may well manifest in not one, but many bodies. This means Prema Sai Baba may not be just one person but there could be as many as you like, and they could embody different aspects of Divinity.

For me, the question does not look like this: "One is true, and the rest are deceivers, crooks and crazy." I am open to the potential possibility of the parallel existence of a certain number of divine incarnations of different levels.

Regardless, it is becoming clearer to me that the full manifestation of Prema Sai Baba has taken place in one body. This means that one of the candidates is the full incarnation of the Absolute Consciousness of Sai.

Note, the presence of one full incarnation of Prema Sai does not negate the potential possibility of the parallel existence of a certain number of partial divine incarnations, manifesting various aspects in themselves. According to my feeling, some candidates may well turn out to be scammers or even mentally deranged people. The situation is not easy.

When we talk about the process of reincarnation of the human soul, it is logical to assume that after the death of the body, the soul continues its journey in the subtle space, and ultimately reincarnates in a new body. If we think about the reincarnation of God, then we come into contact with the impersonal ultimate reality. This means that in this case there are no restrictions, including the number of bodies in which the Absolute Consciousness can be embodied.

We can find all the answers only in the depths of our spiritual heart. Of course, I am not suggesting that logic should be completely excluded from our investigation. Logic can sometimes be helpful, although it should be remembered that logic has strong limitations, especially when we are trying to understand the mystery of God's birth on Earth.

The practice of deep meditation and the opening of the spiritual heart is what will help everyone to understand such a complex issue. Mystical experiences and insights are very subjective experiences; therefore, what one person feels and realizes may be completely inaccessible or unacceptable for another.

In the process of learning the truth about God, it is impossible to hide behind other people's backs or authoritative opinions. Even if millions of people claim that some candidate is the true Prema Sai Baba, this does not negate your personal responsibility for your own choice. Only one's own personal practice of meditation and contemplation can lead a person to enlightenment about the truth.

In the following chapters we will consider the unique predictions of Sathya Sai Baba himself about his future birth. I will provide facts and evidence that the boy born in the village of Doddamallur on June 28, 2012, is the true full incarnation of Prema Sai Baba.

4. Sathya Sai Baba blessed this book

Once Jaya Lakshmi Amma asked me to write an article, and possibly a whole book, with my memories and testimonies about Prema Sai Baba and his childhood. Thus began the preliminary work on this book. The first pages of the manuscript appeared already in 2018, although the main work began in 2023, immediately after the Shivaratri festival, as I have already described.

Jaya Lakshmi Amma's request was quite natural as I had lived next to the divine boy since he was three and a half years old. Watching his childhood, I witnessed many amazing events that needed to be carefully and accurately captured for future generations.

I started writing down my memories with inspiration. The first manuscript was an article, which was subsequently expanded and finalized by me into a book. After three days of hard work, the article was almost ready. Suddenly, the computer crashed, which strangely lasted only five minutes, after which the computer started working normally again.

I checked the contents of the computer's memory and realized that all the materials were saved, except for the article dedicated to Prema Sai Baba. I was frustrated but started working again.

The second time, I worked on the article for several days and again there was a problem with the computer. All materials were in order, except for this manuscript, which disappeared a second time. I realized that either God did not want me to write these memoirs, or I wrote something wrong.

The next day, in a mystical dream, I saw Sathya Sai Baba, who explained to me the essence of my mistake. In the first version of the manuscript, I called the divine boy Pritam, after the name given to him at birth by his parents.

In the dream I was able to realize that I should only use the name Prema Sai Baba and never use the name given to him at birth. After that, I was able to successfully complete the manuscript, which was first published as an article, and then expanded into a book.

The name reflects the essence of a person. The way we call it indicates our understanding of its essence. We should call him Prema Sai Baba because he is Prema Sai Baba, and it doesn't matter what name the boy was given at birth.

When he was three and four years old, I saw him as half child, half God. For me, he was a boy with great energy and spiritual potential. When he was five years old, I suddenly stopped seeing him as a child and a human being.

At some point I realized pure Absolute Divinity played the role of a naughty and cheerful boy. He blessed us to understand that he is Prema Sai Baba. He came to this world to give enlightenment to all mankind, to unite all people and to bless one and all.

This book is my research on Prema Sai Baba, the third Sai Avatar. My mystical connection with him is not accidental. I was fortunate enough to be Sathya Sai Baba's interpreter for several years. I first came to Puttaparthi in 1993, then I came to the ashram regularly and lived there for several months a year. I used to visit the ashram regularly until Sathya Sai Baba left his body in 2011.

I served as an interpreter during personal meetings of Sathya Sai Baba with Russian-speaking devotees from different countries. Many times, I had the honor to communicate with Sathya Sai Baba in person.

During audiences and personal meetings, he spoke in English, which I translated into Russian. It was a unique experience where I witnessed numerous miracles, as well as spiritual instructions that Sathya Sai Baba gave to his devotees and visitors.

In this book, I will not write about all the amazing details of my personal interaction with Sathya Sai Baba. I published three books of my memoirs, which were subsequently translated into English. The most complete material with my memories of Sathya Sai Baba is published in the sixth part of my main autobiographical book, which is called Creativity of Eternal Life.

In the book you are reading now, I will talk about my experience with the unique boy who is the next incarnation of Sathya Sai Baba. In the pages of this book, I describe the events that took place between 2015 and 2023, when Prema Sai Baba was between two and eleven years old, although I physically met him when he was three years old.

The events and miracles that I narrate are my personal experience. I was a direct witness and participant in most of these events. Naturally, some of the stories were recorded from the words of other devotees. All materials were given to me in detail and repeatedly checked for their authenticity.

On the pages of this book, I will bring to your attention not only materials about the events of the life of the divine boy, but also my reflections on some philosophical issues, in the context of the tradition of the three Sai Avatars. We will be reflecting on difficult and controversial topics related to the discussion on the further development of Sai Baba's mission.

All thoughts given in the pages of this book are just my worldview and are not objective. Each reader is entitled to their own conclusions and opinions on any of the issues discussed. Take my thoughts not as statements, but as an invitation for philosophical discussion.

5. Three Sai Avatars

Some researchers believe Sathya Sai Baba first mentioned Prema Sai Baba on July 6, 1963, in his famous speech called, “Shiva-Shakti”. Then, Sathya Sai Baba was 37 years old.

This information is not entirely accurate, because the first time he spoke about Prema Sai Baba was much earlier, in 1944, when he was eighteen years old. We will talk about this in the following chapters, but now let's return to the lecture, which went down in history under the name "Shiva-Shakti".

It was in this famous lecture that Sathya Sai Baba told the audience about the mythological conversation between the god, Shiva, and the goddess, Shakti, in which the sage, Bharadwaja, took part. The mythological story says that in ancient times the sage, Bharadwaja, performed the great Vedic fire ritual of worshiping the gods, which is called Homa (Yagna).

After completing the ritual, the sage went to the sacred mountain, Kailash, where he met with the god, Shiva, and the goddess, Shakti. As a sign of blessing, God Shiva and Goddess Shakti said they would take human birth and incarnate among the descendants of the sage, Bharadwaja, three times. According to legend, Lord Shiva was born as Shirdi Sai Baba in the 19th century.

God Shiva and Goddess Shakti then incarnated together in the village of Puttaparthi in the 20th century as Sathya Sai Baba. Finally, Goddess Shakti incarnated as Prema Sai Baba in the village of Doddamallur in the 21st century.

Where exactly Shirdi Sai Baba was born is unknown. Sathya Sai Baba was born in the village of Puttaparthi (Andhra Pradesh), where he founded his main ashram. In one of the predictions, Sathya Sai Baba talked about his future birth as Prema Sai Baba in the village of Gunaparthi (there are also predictions about the village of Doddamallur).

Some devotees tried to find out from Sathya Sai Baba the details of the location of the village of Gunaparthi, since no one could find a similar village on the map of India. Answering these questions, Sathya Sai Baba stated there was no such village, yet. However, after the birth of Prema Sai Baba, a village would be built in the state of Karnataka where Prema Sai Baba would live, and this village would be called Gunaparthi.

According to legend, in ancient times, the god, Shiva, said he would take on a human form, having been born three times in the family of the sage, Bharadwaja. According to this legend, God Shiva incarnated as Shirdi Sai Baba (1835–1918), God Shiva and Goddess Shakti together incarnated as Sathya Sai Baba (1926–2011), and Goddess Shakti incarnated as Prema Sai Baba in 2012.

In considering this mythological story, I ask myself several questions. Does the Avatar belong to any religious tradition or ethnic culture? What if God is beyond religion and ethnicity? Should we interpret the three Sai Avatars solely from the point of view of Hinduism? Again, I don’t think so.

Each person can perceive the three Sai Avatars from the point of view of any religious tradition; for example, from the point of view of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, etc. People associate Krishna with Hinduism, considering him a Hindu. Obviously, the physical body of Krishna was Indian, but the reality of his consciousness was beyond the illusion of the manifested universe, beyond religion and ethnicity.

Jesus Christ is associated with the Biblical tradition and Jewish nationality. However, the consciousness of Jesus Christ was beyond the manifested illusion, although the body completely belonged to the Semitic ethnic group.

Let's get back to the legend of the three incarnations of Sai. According to the story, Sathya Sai Baba was the incarnation of the god Shiva and the goddess Shakti.

In this life, I am a Christian. Among my friends there are Hindus, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists … all of them are also devotees and followers of Sai Baba. Can we think about the meaning and mission of the three Sai Avatars not in the terminology of Hinduism, but in the terminology of Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism? Yes, because the three Sai Avatars are a universal phenomenon that does not belong to any religion. God is beyond religion being the source of all religions.

If you intuitively feel the three Sai Avatars are indeed incarnations of God Shiva and Goddess Shakti, great. However, if it is closer and more comfortable for you to interpret the three Sai Avatars from any other point of view, in the context of any other religious tradition, then that is your right.

In most religions, there are predictions that in the future God, or a messenger from God, will incarnate on Earth with a special mission of spiritual transformation of mankind. Christians are waiting for another birth of Jesus Christ, Buddhists are waiting for the birth of Buddha Maitreya, and Jews are waiting for the coming of the Messiah.

Hindus say that in the future Kalki Avatar should be incarnated, who will become the tenth incarnation of the god, Vishnu. In some areas of Islam there are predictions about the birth of a divine prophet in the future; he is called Imam Mahdi.

Divine masters, who are expected in various religions, should, in accordance with the prophecies, bring the good news and spiritually transform all of humanity. The question arises, will it be one Avatar, which different religions call by different names, or should we expect many Avatars?

The Second Coming of Christ, Buddhist Maitreya, Jewish Messiah, Islamic Imam Mahdi and Hindu Kalki. Will it be the same divine incarnation under different names, or are they many different incarnations? It’s a difficult question; at the moment, I don't know how to answer it.

Alas, each religious tradition is trying to preach its exclusivity, including the peculiarity of "its own" divine savior of mankind. It is difficult for Christians to imagine that the savior of the future can incarnate outside the Christian religion. It is impossible for Hindus to assume that the Avatar of the future may not be a Hindu. The same thing happens in the minds of Jews, Muslims and Buddhists.

Some believe the three Sai Avatars are divine incarnations prophesied in the prophecies of all religions. Many devotees claim it is the three Sai Avatars that are the Hindu divine incarnation of Kalki Avatar, who absorbed the second coming of Jesus Christ, the Buddhist Maitreya, the Islamic Imam Mahdi, and the Jewish Messiah.

The above point of view is not accepted by everyone. Admittedly, for the majority, the various divine incarnations predicted within different religions are still different teachers of humanity who should come to Earth under various circumstances. I am not ready to comment on such points of view because this is a matter of a personal system of beliefs and sensations.

6. Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba

Let's look at some details of the first two incarnations of Sai: Shirdi Sai Baba (1835–1918) and Sathya Sai Baba (1926–2011).

We know very little about the first half of Shirdi Sai Baba's life; in fact, only the second part of his life is well known to researchers. By the end of Shirdi Sai Baba's life, quite a lot of followers gathered around him and became direct witnesses of the events of his life, numerous manifestations of miraculous power, as well as his spiritual instructions.

We will not retell the biography of Shirdi Sai Baba in detail, as a large number of books have been written about his amazing life, deep teachings, and amazing miracles. Let's just delve into a few details.

Most followers believe that he was born into the highest caste of Brahmins — Hindu clerics. Shirdi Sai Baba was born on the banks of the Godavari River in western India on September 28, 1835. Almost immediately after birth, he was orphaned, so the boy was raised by foster parents. They were Muslims who practiced Sufism.

Some biographers claim that his Muslim adoptive parents did not initiate him into Islam, which does not sound very convincing. There are suggestions that from childhood he studied with a Hindu guru, whose name was Venkusa. Being brought up in both the Islamic and Hindu environment, Shirdi Sai Baba was well aware of the religious traditions of both Islam and Hinduism.

Shirdi Sai Baba was well versed in the esoteric aspects of Islam and Hinduism, he also knew the philosophical teachings of Zoroastrianism. The most important foundation of his philosophical teaching was the idea of the unity of all religions. Shirdi Sai Baba preached that all religions lead to the same truth.

This idea may seem very obvious to modern people of the 21st century, but in the 19th century this approach was quite revolutionary. Among his followers, first of all, were Muslims and Hindus, as well as representatives of Zoroastrianism and other religions.

At a young age, he came to the small town of Shirdi in western India, where he lived almost all his life. That is why they began to call him Shirdi Sai Baba. Shirdi Sai Baba left his body on October 15, 1918.

At the end of his life, he predicted that in eight years he would be reincarnated in southern India as Sathya Sai Baba, which happened in 1926. We know that Shirdi Sai Baba only predicted his next incarnation and did not mention anything about who he would incarnate in through life.

Thus, Shirdi Sai Baba predicted his incarnation in the 20th century as Sathya Sai Baba and did not say anything about his incarnation in the 21st century as Prema Sai Baba.

There is no need to give all the details of the amazing life of Sathya Sai Baba, as many books and articles have been written about this, with a detailed description of his biography, philosophical teachings, and miracles. We will only analyze those events that are relevant to his predictions about the next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba.

Sathya Sai Baba was born on November 23, 1926, in southern India on the banks of the Chitravati River, in the small village of Puttaparthi. His parents belonged to the Hindu religion.

The Sai Boy proclaimed himself the next incarnation of Sai Baba at the age of thirteen on May 23, 1940. A little bit later, he left his parents' house and moved to an abandoned temple of Krishna and began his activity as a spiritual mentor.

In the Sai tradition, in each of his incarnations at a certain age, he "proclaims" himself, which is an important symbolic act — the meaning of which is difficult to understand and appreciate by the human mind.

The rite of "proclamation" is extremely important and very mysterious. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to accurately and fully understand its deep meaning. We can only say with certainty that the beginning of the open and official mission of Sathya Sai Baba began precisely from that historic day when he "proclaimed" himself the Avatar.

Shirdi Sai Baba also repeatedly "proclaimed" himself as an Avatar throughout his life. The exact date when Sathya Sai Baba "proclaimed" himself has remained in history and is celebrated by devotees as a holiday. The exact dates when Shirdi Sai Baba "proclaimed" himself several times are unknown.

This ritual has its own paradox. If you feel that Sai is a divine incarnation, then even without the "declaration" you will feel it. Those who did not feel the divinity of Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba refused to recognize him even after the "proclamation".

The ritual of "proclamation" has a great energetic significance, as a result of which the fullness of the cosmic power of the Avatar in its entirety begins to manifest itself in the universe. Before and after the "proclamation", the power of the Avatar is the same, however, after the "proclamation", this power begins to manifest in full.

7. Reality of reincarnation

Nowadays, there are still people who doubt that reincarnation is real. The materialistic worldview imposes on people a false self-identification of themselves as a physical body. According to this primitive concept, the body is born, the body lives, and the body dies, and with the death of the body, the existence of human consciousness ceases.

The basis of the materialistic worldview is that the function of consciousness is tied to the brain. This means that if the brain physically exists, then thinking exists, and if the brain is dead, then thinking supposedly cannot exist.

In fact, consciousness; and hence, thinking, can exist outside the biological functioning of the brain. In other words, thinking (consciousness) was before the birth of the physical body, and continues after the death of the physical body. This is the basis of the esoteric idea of the process of reincarnation.

In Buddhist terminology, this is called the process of continuity of consciousness, which occurs regardless of the existence or non-existence of the physical body. This is truly a vast topic, which is considered in great detail in various areas of yoga, including the tradition of Kriya yoga.

Man has three bodies: the physical body, the astral body and the causal body. Beyond these three bodies is consciousness. Thus, when the physical body dies, the astral and causal bodies continue their journey into the next life.

The process of reincarnation of the soul (consciousness) is perfectly proven by the fact of the reincarnation of Sai Baba, who incarnated in this world at least three times. Thus, he proved the reality of the process of reincarnation. The meaning of reincarnation shows we are not a mortal body, but an eternal consciousness.

The false idea that matter determines consciousness has been completely refuted. Once again, the world was shown the truth that consciousness and spirit are eternal.

8. Meeting with Sathya Sai

My spiritual connection with Sathya Sai Baba spans many lifetimes. When I first heard about him, and then came to his ashram in Puttaparthi, I immediately felt like I was at home.

My first trip to India took place in 1993 when I was 22 years old. This trip was completely spontaneous. Circumstances suddenly swirled around me. Several of my acquaintances unexpectedly decided to go to India. Two weeks before their departure, they invited me to join them.

At that time, I had been studying yoga, meditation, Vedic and Buddhist philosophy for more than ten years. I could not even imagine that one could easily go to India and meet Sathya Sai Baba. It all seemed too fantastic.

I first came to this fabulous country for six months. At the beginning of the journey, I visited the ashram of Yogi Ramaiah (1923–2006), a unique teacher of Kriya yoga, who lived in the very south of India.

After living there for some time, I moved in with Sathya Sai Baba, who became my greatest source of blessing. A person goes through the path of spiritual practices, thereby preparing himself for a great revelation, which can only be obtained as a gift from God.

Who is Sathya Sai Baba? This is a very difficult question to answer when there are so many followers, each with their individual encounters, stories, ideas and opinions. People sometimes project the qualities and properties they want to see.

Sathya Sai Baba often said: "I am a mirror that reflects your inner world, thoughts and feelings." These are excellent and perfect words.

Some saw him as God, and some as a cunning magician. Everyone sees what they are ready to understand and accept. I don't think I would like to fantasize about this complex topic … rather let everyone follow their own intuitive feeling, let everyone find their own answer to the question, who is Sathya Sai Baba?

It is hardly possible to understand this with the mind, for this you need to go into the depths of your spiritual heart and gain understanding there. Sometimes it seems to me that I know who he is, and sometimes I come into contact with a deep feeling of the impossibility to fully understanding his greatness and infinity. Why even fantasize about something that is beyond human understanding.

There is a famous saying of Sathya Sai Baba’s, which I was fortunate to hear several times from his lips: “Yes, I am God, but you are also Gods, the difference is that I remember that I am God, and you have forgotten.”

Everyone is God. The difference is only in the degree to which we realize our true divine nature. These wise words of Sathya Sai Baba most exhaustively explain how he perceived himself and all people.

God is the totality of all individual souls — we are all one in God. Each person carries a great potential for divine creativity. This truth Sathya Sai Baba perfectly embodied in his life.

How can one understand that Sathya Sai Baba is a divine incarnation? Can we be sure that he is God born on Earth? What are the criteria by which it is possible to recognize an Avatar?

First of all, one can only come to personal and independent realization that this is even possible. Experiences gained within one’s life can then only prompt reflection to stimulate and help you understand your own spiritual practice. Realization of the truth can only happen within your spiritual heart. In order for awareness to occur, it is necessary to independently go through the path of reflection and contemplation, possible doubts and, ultimately, deep awareness.

By the time I first met Sathya Sai Baba, I was already aware of various yoga traditions and spiritual teachers. I was seriously practicing meditation and studying Vedic philosophy. Back in Moscow, when I saw the video recording of Sathya Sai Baba and learned the stories of his amazing life, I instantly felt his colossal energy power.

Several of my friends told me he was the Avatar of our age. It was difficult for me to understand what this meant, but it was clear Sathya Sai Baba was a supreme being, incomprehensible to my mind.

At that time, to me, the god, Shiva, was the personification of all spiritual realizations and transcendental wisdom. When I first saw videos of Sathya Sai Baba and heard stories about his life, I intuitively felt he was the incarnation of Lord Shiva.

Sathya Sai Baba, during our personal communication, told me: “Now you are sitting in my room, but the time will come when this room will be inside your spiritual heart, and you will tell other people about our communication.”

Sathya Sai Baba is a world teacher who is outside of any tradition, school or trend. In his teaching, he unites all world religions and philosophical systems. He founded an ashram in southern India, which was and remains a unique spiritual space of unity and love. This is a place where people of different worldviews can come. All visitors feel completely comfortable, just like they would at home.

It is difficult even to imagine any other ashram in which openness and universality would be manifested to such a clear degree. In the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba, the unity of all mankind, the brotherhood and sisterhood of all people is especially felt.

9. Ring of John Hislop and other evidence

John Hislop, the famous American Sathya Sai Baba devotee, described in his book My Baba and I the story of the materialization of a unique ring. Sathya Sai Baba materialized for Hislop a golden ring with a stone relief within which was the profile of Prema Sai Baba. This happened in the 1970s, more than 30 years before Sathya Sai Baba passed away.

Over time, the image of Prema Sai on this ring began to change. In the first few months, the small relief on the ring was not very developed and the image conveyed only the approximate facial features of a handsome young man.

Sathya Sai Baba explained that Prema Sai Baba's form was just being formed, so he could not show his face more accurately. This was the first time that Prema Sai Baba's appearance was revealed. Before the materialization of this unique ring, Sathya Sai Baba only mentioned that in the next life he would incarnate as Prema Sai Baba but did not show his future form to the world.

Hislop began to learn about the strange changes in the ring from friends who noticed that the image of Prema Sai Baba within the relief began to appear more clearly as time passed. Wherever he went, whoever he met, people asked him to show him the ring. People who had seen the ring before began to notice the image gradually changing.

A year after the manifestation of the ring, the nose became more clearly visible on the relief. This is a small detail, but it showed the process of formation of the appearance of Prema Sai Baba and the miraculousness of the living artefact.

In one of the video materials, Hislop admitted that he noticed significant changes only in 1980. Before that, he honestly said that at first, he did not notice any changes. His friends told him: "You don't notice these changes because you see this ring every day."

One day, when Hislop was in a meeting with the devotees and was showing the ring to everyone present, he decided to take a closer look at the ring himself. He was amazed because he realized it was completely different to the original one Sathya Sai Baba materialized for him, years earlier.

Now the nose was completely visible, although in the early years of the existence of the ring it was almost invisible. In addition, part of the eye and cheek became more defined.

Prema Sai Baba was destined to appear on Earth one year after the physical departure of Sathya Sai Baba. Decades earlier, John Hislop received the golden ring set with a brown stone, which miraculously revealed the extraordinary profile of Prema Sai Baba.

The nose was barely visible on the relief, and you could also make out the outline of the eye. A noble head with shoulder-length hair, mustache and beard began emerging from a lotus flower with a peaceful and majestic appearance.

We have some more testimonies from several close Sai devotees. Peggy Mason and Ron Lang, in their book Sri Sathya Sai, Embodiment of Love, recount their conversation with Sathya Sai Baba about Prema Sai Baba. The authors asked Sathya Sai Baba about whether his next birth will be as Prema Sai in the body of a woman? Sathya Sai Baba explained that he would be born in the body of a man and that this would happen in the state of Karnataka in southern India.

This question arose from the authors of the book because, according to legend, Prema Sai Baba would be the incarnation of the goddess, Shakti. In that conversation, Sathya Sai Baba explained that despite the fact that Prema Sai Baba will be the incarnation of the goddess, physically he will still be a man. Once again, this fact shows the esoteric concepts of masculine and feminine in the universe are associated with spiritual qualities and not biology.

Sathya Sai Baba has repeatedly said the appearance of Prema Sai Baba is in the process of formation, which means that during the life of Sathya Sai Baba, the appearance of Prema Sai Baba was still in the process of divine creation.

At the end of the 20th century, many paintings appeared showing the handsome face of Prema Sai Baba. These paintings appeared during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba, and many people spread rumors that some of these images were materialized by Sathya Sai Baba himself, but that is just speculation.

Rather, all these beautiful paintings are the fantasies of talented artists and have no credibility for us as researchers. The history of Hislop's changing ring shows that Prema Sai Baba's appearance developed gradually. Sathya Sai Baba, in the middle of the 20th century, was not sure what his incarnation would look like in the 21st century. Sounds strange, but it's a fact.

It seems that the features of Prema Sai Baba's mission also developed gradually. That is why Sathya Sai Baba gave various details about the place and time of his next birth.

10. History of the great book: Journey with Sai

Let's look at a unique book called Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai (Journey with Sai). The author of this book was a wonderful woman and devotee of Sathya Sai Baba, whose name was Kannamma. She described the information that she and her mother heard personally from Sathya Sai Baba back in 1944, when he was only eighteen years old.

The author's mother was named Namagiri Amma. She was one of the earliest devotees of Sathya Sai Baba. In 1954, Sathya Sai Baba personally told Namagiri Amma that she should start carefully recording all the stories, miracles and spiritual instructions she had witnessed firsthand.

Sathya Sai Baba predicted that this diary would be of great importance in a few decades, and many devotees would be informed and inspired by reading these immortal lines after they were published.

Namagiri Amma never kept a diary, but her daughter Kannamma did. She later wrote a famous book based on the unique entries. In 1956, Kannamma began to carefully record all the stories and testimonies, including hers and her mother's. These became the start of the great diary that would later play an important role in the history of Prema Sai Baba.

This blessed family came from the city of Mysore, the ancient capital of the state of Karnataka. Sathya Sai Baba often visited there and talked a lot with the first devotees, telling them secret knowledge, including about his future birth as Prema Sai Baba.

Back in the mid-1950s, Sathya Sai Baba said this diary should be published in the future. These recordings lay in the Kannamma family for several decades and were not published until the 1990s, first in Kannada and then in English.

Several publishers published the manuscript. As a result of the translation of this great book from the original Kannada into English, some strange metamorphoses have taken place.

Unfortunately, when translating into English, the most important elements of the manuscript were subjected to ruthless editing, especially the ninth chapter. In those distant years, in 1944, when Sathya Sai Baba was only eighteen years old, he described in detail where and when Prema Sai Baba would incarnate.

The ninth chapter of the book contains the authentic words of Sathya Sai Baba that Prema Sai Baba would be born one year after the completion of Sathya Sai's mission. The book also indicates the exact place of birth as the village of Doddamallur, where the ancient temple of the god Vishnu (Aprameya Swami) is located.

Interestingly, Sathya Sai Baba even indicated he would incarnate in a poor family that would live by that time in a small house right behind the ancient temple. All these crucial details have been omitted in the English translation.

Fortunately, the first edition in the local Kannada language was made by an independent publisher, so it was in the first edition that the original text of Sathya Sai Baba's prediction was preserved. I was able to find this first unique edition and arrange for the translation of the ninth chapter from Kannada into English and then into Russian. The original message of Sathya Sai Baba with my comments is given in the next chapter of this book.

Why did some publishing structures go for falsification? It is obvious that such a decision was not made by chance, as if someone was trying to artificially confuse information and misinform a wide audience. In fact, many close associates of Sathya Sai Baba are well aware of all of his predictions. Regardless, some people artificially create confusion and hide the real information.

11. Sathya Sai Baba predictions about Prema Sai Baba

We now turn to the ninth chapter of Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai (Journey with Sai). Of course, it would be my great pleasure to give you an exact translation of the ninth chapter, but it is impossible to do so.

The original book was published in Kannada, which is spoken in the South Indian state of Karnataka. Subsequently, the copyright was transferred to other publishing structures, which translated the book into English with obvious falsifications. Thus, a distorted version of this unique book is now being circulated around the world.

The editors completely removed important information about Sathya Sai Baba's predictions regarding his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. The current owners of the book have prescribed strict copyright conditions, according to which no one can even quote the original text of the manuscript. What are they so afraid of?

They are afraid the truth and authentic information will become public knowledge. That is why I am forced not to publish the exact translation, but to retell the content of the ninth chapter of this unique book.

Copyright law does not forbid me to state in my own words the true content of the original. I present the material only in the form of a free retelling, focusing on the most important elements. Copyright law also allows me to comment on and analyze the information in this book without retyping the text itself.

The information below is the message of Sathya Sai Baba about the essence of the triple divine incarnation of Sai on Earth. In particular, Sathya Sai Baba said the triple incarnation of God in the form of three Sai Avatars was predicted five thousand years ago.

Speaking about the fact that the triple incarnation of Sai was predicted five thousand years before our time, Sathya Sai Baba does not explain in which ancient texts this was mentioned. Perhaps there were ancient texts that have not survived, or we are talking about an oral tradition that has come down to us in the form of legends.

In previous chapters, I mentioned that various world religions talk about divine incarnations that should be incarnated on Earth in the future. The Second Coming of Christ (Christianity), Buddha Maitreya (Buddhism), Messiah (Judaism), Imam Mahdi (some branches of Islam), and Kalki (Hinduism). Perhaps, speaking about ancient predictions, Sathya Sai Baba had in mind all these Divine Teachers of humanity.

Between 1944 and 1952, Sathya Sai Baba told several devotees from the South Indian city of Mysore that three Sai Avatars would incarnate on Earth. Then, Sathya Sai Baba was between 18 and 26 years old.

These conversations took place in different places — sometimes in the "old Mandir", which is the very first building built in the village of Puttaparthi as a temporary ashram. Some talks took place in the state of Karnataka in the city of Mysore and its environs.

Sathya Sai Baba said three Avatars will incarnate on the territory of India. The first is Shirdi Sai Baba, the second is Sathya Sai Baba and the third is Prema Sai Baba. Prema Sai Baba will incarnate in the village of Doddamallur.

This village is located near the city of Channapatna in the state of Karnataka. Sathya Sai Baba said that in his current incarnation he will live for 96 years, and then a year later he will be born as Prema Sai Baba. In this incarnation he will live for about 75 years.

The researchers explain that the ancient Vedic principles for calculating age are different from modern ones. According to Vedic principles, 96 years means approximately 84 years, which was the age of Sathya Sai Baba at the time of his passing. Considering the estimated lifespan of Prema Sai Baba, it can be considered that according to Vedic principles, 75 years will be equal to the age of less than 70 years, according to the modern international reckoning of age.

In his three incarnations, Sai realizes all divine goals; as such, the world will then be filled with peace, love and harmony. This will be a truly new stage in the evolution of mankind. Many spiritual teachers and esotericists of different traditions also predict the imminent beginning of a new divine era.

Since modern civilization highly appreciates the scientific method of cognition, Sathya Sai Baba mentioned the difference between the scientific approach and those gigantic possibilities that God has.

Sathya Sai Baba said that scientific knowledge is limited to the five-dimensional sensory world. However, he has perfect spiritual vision. Sathya Sai Baba can see realities that even the greatest scientists do not understand. No modern scientific technology can match God's omniscience. He can know exactly what happened many aeons ago, as well as what will happen in the future.

During his conversations with the first devotees, in the mid-1940s, Sathya Sai Baba said he was beyond space, time, and all limitations. He even stated he can manifest himself in a huge number of bodies at the same time, while these bodies are located in different places in the universe.

Sathya Sai Baba has always been famous for the fact that he could materialize various charms for his devotees such as rings, medallions or rosaries. I have repeatedly seen objects materialized by Sathya Sai Baba. Sometimes they seemed completely ordinary, yet every time I held a unique item in my hand, I felt a special energy. Any ring, rosary or medallion created by him were special mystical objects and genuine amulets in the truest sense of the word.

During his conversations, he explained that if he materialized any objects to his followers, the objects subsequently informed him if the owners were having problems, difficulties, or were subject to dangerous situations, and that in their moment of need, he would send help and blessings to them. Any object materialized by him played this role of direct connection with him.

Sathya Sai Baba proclaimed to his devotees that whatever form and name of God you worship, whatever religious tradition you practice, God accepts your prayer. The tradition of the three Sai Avatars is a single spiritual space of the divine evolution of all mankind. All forms and names belong to God, and you follow the spiritual path closest to your heart.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the fact that, in accordance with Vedic ideas, the full cycle of development is divided into four periods, which are called the Yuga in Sanskrit. Periods of four Yugas (four epochs) return again and again. That is how the global cycle of time looks.

The ten Avatars of God incarnate in these four epochs, most often the Vedic tradition calls them incarnations of the god Vishnu. It should be remembered that Vishnu is not the name of any deity, but one of the traditional Vedic names of the supreme Creator God. Different religions call God by different names, even within the framework of Hindu philosophy, there are a lot of names for God.

The last incarnation of God in each cycle is the Kalki Avatar. In our age of Kali yuga, the Kalki Avatar has been divided into three parts: Shirdi Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Baba, and Prema Sai Baba. The Vedic texts do not mention that the Kalki Avatar will split into three incarnations; however, Sathya Sai Baba explained this is exactly what will happen.

Sathya Sai Baba said that such a triple incarnation of God on Earth can only be seen in this era. The triple incarnation of Sai has not been in the past and will not be in the future. That is why we are witnessing this unique event of the triple incarnation of Sai.

God spiritually prepared humanity when he incarnated as Shirdi Sai Baba. God spread spiritual knowledge when he incarnated as Sathya Sai Baba. When God incarnated as Prema Sai Baba, all people will enjoy the fruits of divine self-realization. It is then Sai will bestow happiness and bliss on all mankind.

Of course, it may seem strange to some that Sathya Sai has predicted such a bright outlook when the world is experiencing great political and social difficulties in the 20th and 21st century.

In my opinion, it is possible to note clear positive trends in the spiritual development of a huge number of people. The spiritual development of people is much more active, while the political and social system of human society is still functioning in the old way, and no longer meeting the spiritual and intellectual needs of people.

In 1944, Sathya Sai Baba told the first devotees of his third incarnation as Prema Sai Baba that, “Prema Sai Baba will be born in the small village of Doddamallur, which is located near the city of Channapatna, and this village will subsequently be prosperous, because it is here that God will receive his birth.”

The prediction shows that in the beginning, the village in which Prema Sai is born would be very small and poor, but in time it would become a large and prosperous city.

Sathya Sai Baba took Namagiri Amma and her daughter, Kannamma, to the village of Doddamallur. During this unique journey, Sathya Sai Baba was accompanied by several followers from the city of Mysore.

In this small village there is an ancient temple of the god, Vishnu, who is called Aprameya Swami. In this temple there is a famous altar with a statue of the boy, Krishna, which pilgrims come from all over India to worship.

Sathya Sai Baba said that Prema Sai Baba would be born into a poor family in this village and also indicated the house where he would be born. In the original text of the Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai book, we read about the great mission of the three Sai Avatars and accurate predictions about the place and time of Prema Sai Baba's birth.

12. Additional predictions about Prema Sai Baba

Sathya Sai Baba predicted he would live to be 96 years old. However, he left his body at the age of 84. Is there a contradiction in this? How could God be wrong? Obviously, there is no contradiction in this. Only Sathya Sai Baba himself can decide when he should be born and when he should leave this world.

Several years before the end of his life, Sathya Sai Baba repeatedly said: "My mission is accomplished." Nobody wanted to take these words seriously. He left this world on the night of Easter 2011. This was unique because on April 24, 2011, all Christian churches celebrated Easter on the same night.

According to the complex Christian calendar, different Christian communities usually celebrate Easter on different days. In the year when Sathya Sai Baba left the body, Easter coincided on the same day for all Christians. This was a great message of unity and love.

Sathya Sai Baba has said many times that he will be reincarnated as Prema Sai Baba in eight years. At the same time, in some cases, he said he would be born in a year. I have accurate information that Sathya Sai Baba told Shri Kasturi and Subba Rao that he will incarnate in a year.

Many devotees of Sathya Sai Baba are well aware of who Sri Kasturi and Subba Rao are. For those who do not know, I can only say these are two unique people who have lived in the ashram for many years and played an important role in the development of the mission of Sathya Sai Baba.

On the pages of this book, I unfortunately do not have the opportunity to tell in detail the biographies of these great people, each of whom is worthy of a separate detailed narrative.

Sathya Sai Baba openly said in his next life he would be born near the city of Mandya in the state of Karnataka, southern India. However, Sathya Sai Baba told Sri Kasturi and Subba Rao many more details, in particular, that he would be born in the village of Doddamallur, where the famous ancient temple of Aprameya Swami is located.

I did not know Sri Kasturi personally as he passed away a few years before I first came to Puttaparthi. However, I knew Subba Rao very well, with whom I have been in close contact for several years. I often went to Subba Rao's room where he lived at the ashram. We talked about Sathya Sai Baba and his spiritual mission. Many Russian groups also visited Subba Rao and received spiritual guidance from him.

Let's sum up the predictions about the birth of Prema Sai Baba. About the time of his next incarnation, Sathya Sai Baba told various people that he could be born in eight years or one year.

About the place of his next birth, Sathya Sai Baba predicted that he would be born near the city of Mandya, Karnataka, but for some he indicated more specifically, the village of Doddamallur.

In fact, all the devotees of the older generation were well aware of all these predictions. In 2016, I met Ramanna, who was Sathya Sai Baba's personal driver in the mid-1980s.

Sathya Sai Baba blessed him to buy a house in the village of Doddamallur back in 2010, a year before he left his body in 2011. Ramanna bought a house in the village of Doddamallur because Sathya Sai Baba revealed to him the secret that his next birth would be in this village.

I was fortunate enough to visit Ramanna's house many times and listen to his reminiscences of Sathya Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Baba passed away on April 24, 2011. Prema Sai Baba was born on June 28, 2012, just over a year later. He was born exactly in the place that Sathya Sai Baba indicated to his closest devotees.

13. Miracles a year before meeting Prema Sai Baba

I first met Prema Sai Baba on March 3, 2016, a few days before the Shivaratri festival. However, my history of interaction with him began a year before in 2015 when Sathya Sai Baba repeatedly appeared to me and my wife, Svetlana, in our dreams, showing us the village and the street where Prema Sai Baba was born. We were even shown the divine boy’s parents.

In another dream, Prema Sai Baba visited my wife and said that he had already been born and was waiting for us. My wife, Svetlana, clearly remembered all the details of that amazing dream including small house and Prema Sai Baba's father, whose name is Mahesh.

To my wife’s surprise, a few months later she went to the very same place seen in her dream, and also saw the very man who is the father of Prema Sai Baba.

I teach meditation practices in the tradition of Kriya Yoga, and I regularly conduct master classes in different cities and countries. In 2015, I held a seminar in India, next to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba.

At this time, I learned that a number of my students also had mystical dreams where Sathya Sai Baba had also appeared to them. In the dreams, Sathya Sai Baba said he had already been born and was waiting for our arrival to his home.

People saw in their dreams a divine child and his parents, much like the dream my wife and I had. During the mystical dreams, Sathya Sai Baba asked some of my students: “What will you give Prema Sai? He is a child and waiting for gifts!” What an amazing sense of humor.

When Sathya Sai Baba passed away in the spring of 2011, my wife Svetlana prayed to God for the opportunity to meet Prema Sai Baba as soon as possible, and if possible, as soon as he was born. Svetlana wanted to see his divine play as a little Krishna. These prayers were heard.

In July 2015 we arrived at Sathya Sai Baba's ashram where I was leading a two-week Kriya Yoga meditation workshop. That time I came with a group of students who were studying meditation and mantra practice with me.

Once I was meditating in front of the tomb of our beloved Sathya Sai Baba. Suddenly, I had a mystical experience and saw the golden astral body of the boy Krishna hovering in the air right above the tomb; it was a mystical vision of the subtle body of Krishna. I knew right away it was Prema Sai Baba. Telepathically he told me he had already been born and was waiting for me in his house.

Usually, I do not trust such visions because they can be a game of the mind. In this case, it was a very vivid image, and I realized that this was a real message from God. Immediately, I spoke to all members of our group about this mystical experience.

We left the ashram and got into auto rickshaws (tuk-tuk). I asked the driver if he knew about the birth of Prema Sai Baba. The driver confidently replied that he knew that Prema Sai Baba was born and named the village, Doddamallur. I was surprised by this information. It was strange to hear such a response from a rickshaw driver.

A few minutes later, I arrived at a jewelry store owned by an old friend of mine. He was originally from Bangalore but lived in Puttaparthi for many years. I decided to ask him if he knew about the birth of Prema Sai Baba.

The jeweler said he knew that Prema Sai Baba had already been born in the village of Doddamallur in the state of Karnataka. I was very surprised to hear this message. It seemed that everyone except me already knew about this unique event.

I returned to the hotel where I was staying with the group. I asked the hotel manager about the birth of Prema Sai Baba. In response to my question, the manager said that Prema Sai Baba had already been born and lives in the village of Doddamallur in the neighboring state of Karnataka. These events surprised me. Within an hour, three people told me important and valuable information, completely coincidentally.

The next day, I decided to ask these people again for more details about Prema Sai Baba. I wanted to talk to the people who had shared this valuable information with me. Naturally, I couldn't find the auto rickshaw driver.

When I asked the owner of the jewelry store and the manager of the hotel, they both said they didn't tell me anything and didn’t remember our conversation. They said they did not know anything about the birth of Prema Sai Baba. How could this be?

It then became clear to me this was a great miracle. God told me about his birth through three people, while they themselves did not consciously have this information. Truly, God can speak to a person through any intermediary, even if this intermediary does not even know what is happening.

My only problem was that I didn't know where the village of Doddamallur was located, although I was generally told the village was somewhere in the neighboring state of Karnataka. My Hindu friends from Puttaparthi said the village was not far from the city of Mandya. All members of my group witnessed these amazing events.

By the will of fate we did not go in search of Prema Sai in the year of 2015 because immediately after the seminar in Puttaparthi, we went to the Himalayas. Our first meeting took place a few months later, at the beginning of the next year, in 2016.

14. First meeting with the divine boy

At the very beginning of 2016, I again came with a group to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba. As usual, I conducted a seminar on Kriya yoga meditation. One part of the program was held in Puttaparthi, and the second part in the city of Mysore, at the foot of the sacred mountain, Chamundi. Every day there was a rich program of meditation practices and lectures on the theory of yoga.

Half a year before the Indian seminar, some of the seminar participants had already experienced unique mystical encounters in dreams, according to which it was clear that Prema Sai Baba had already incarnated. In their mystical dreams, several of my students saw Sathya Sai Baba, who predicted they would soon meet Prema Sai Baba.

On this trip with me there were more than twenty people. Together, we decided to seek out the divine boy, although we knew it would not be an easy task. To meet Prema Sai Baba in person seemed unrealistic, and even the idea of the possibility of such a meeting felt outrageous.

Nevertheless, we took a private bus from Puttaparthi to Mysore city, where I planned to conduct the second part of the seminar. An Indian friend of mine from Puttaparthi, whose name is Sainath, drew on a piece of paper a rough map of the location of the village of Doddamallur, according to which we were supposed to find the home of the divine boy.

The village of Doddamallur is located between the cities of Bangalore and Mysore. I knew the boy Prema Sai Baba would most likely be found in this village. The map drawn by my friend from Puttaparthi indicated that Prema Sai Baba's place of residence was near the city of Mandya. We set off on the road, but in the process of searching, we soon realized the map was inaccurately drawn.

The village of Doddamallur was located in another part of the state of Karnataka, and the site of the proposed home of Prema Sai Baba was marked near the city of Mandya. To begin with, we arrived on our bus in the city of Mandya and stopped next to a large Christian church in the middle of the city. At some point, the thought flashed through my mind that if we could not find Prema Sai Baba, then we would do our meditation practice inside that beautiful church.

Our bus driver was trying to figure out exactly where Prema Sai Baba's supposed home was according to the map provided to us. Local residents and auto rickshaw drivers in the city of Mandya shrugged their shoulders, explaining that the layout of the area was completely wrong.

Realizing we were confused, we decided to ask the police about Prema Sai Baba, but the officers did not know anything about any divine boy in the city of Mandya and its environs. As a result of our inquiries, we found out exactly where the village of Doddamallur was located. The decision was made to immediately search there. This was our last lead.

Just then, the situation began to get more complicated. The bus was only paid for from Puttaparthi to Mysore, and we had already traveled many additional kilometers. As evening was fast approaching, the driver rightfully complained he did not want to wind another hundred or two hundred kilometers extra on the clock.

All the members of the group felt we should not stop the search and that we must continue into the night until we found the divine boy. We decided to negotiate an additional payment with the driver, and thankfully, he agreed to continue our search.

Subsequently, each of the group members, about twenty in total, admitted that while all of this was unfolding, they were practicing the Gayatri mantra silently in their own minds. This was another sign the group effort was producing a good result.

Finally, we arrived at Doddamallur. As soon as the bus entered the village, amrita (the nectar of immortality) began to materialize abundantly in the mouth and throat of my wife Svetlana. At that moment, no one but me and my wife knew about this miracle. The bus driver stopped right in front of the ancient temple of Aprameya Swami, declaring he would not drive any further.

We instantly learned from the villagers where Prema Sai Baba's house was. He was first found and identified as Prema Sai Baba by a group of yogis from the north Indian Himalayan state of Manipur. This happened on April 12, 2015, that is, less than a year before our arrival.

Since the boy Prema Sai Baba was discovered a year before our appearance, the locals easily indicated to the house where he lived. At the time, the boy was three and a half years old.

The first meeting was very intense. We all felt love in our hearts and experienced divine states. One woman called her husband on a mobile phone, who at that moment was in Moscow. This woman's name is Irina, and her husband's name is Maxim.

As soon as Irina made this call, Maxim immediately said he was just practicing meditation and Sathya Sai Baba appeared to him in a mystical vision a few minutes before the phone call and said our group had met with Prema Sai Baba.

It was surprising because at that moment Irina was sitting next to the Prema Sai boy. The first meeting lasted a couple of hours, and then we happily continued our journey to the city of Mysore, where my meditation workshop continued.

A week later I came to the divine boy alone. I sat with his family right on the floor and enjoyed Indian tea with milk. The Prema Sai boy came and sat on the floor next to me. After that, he placed his lotus feet on my lap. I experienced a divine state of bliss and harmony. He kept his feet on my lap for several minutes. I was happy and joy shone in my spiritual heart.

15. Who and how Prema Sai Baba was found

Two Himalayan saints, Mata Bijaya Devi (born 1970) and Mata Tomba Devi (born 1969), live in the state of Manipur in northern India. Manipur is a beautiful region in the foothills of the Himalayas. In a serene place on the mountainside, there is a small ashram, which is a place of power revered by the locals.

Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi have been devotees of Sathya Sai Baba for many years. The locals revere them as saints and come to them for spiritual guidance and blessings. Since birth, these two women have shown spiritual powers and supernatural abilities. Already in 2012, Mata Bijaya Devi predicted that Prema Sai Baba had already incarnated and would soon begin his worldwide activities.

Sometimes the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba enters Mata Bijaya Devi and she begins to broadcast spiritual messages and perform all kinds of miracles. Such unusual experiences occur almost every day. This is a unique opportunity for the devotees to speak with Sathya Sai Baba, who at times like this is on the subtle plane within Mata Bijaya Devi.

Such experiences are very ambiguous. Imagine that the subtle body of God inhabits someone. How can this be understood? One of the important questions in this situation is, how many subtle bodies does God have?

At first glance, this is a very strange question, but it is extremely important. Sometimes some people experience such mystical experiences and begin to claim they are special because the subtle body of God is inside them. This is understandable, since God Himself moved into them.

God is the source and essence of the soul of every person. This means it is impossible to say that God has indwelled someone, since God is always inside every person. Considering this difficult situation, some prefer to interpret this as the awakening of the subtle body of God within.

In order not to get confused, let's conditionally assume that the subtle body of God is infused into the contactee. The question again arises, how many subtle bodies does God have? The question is very strange, because no one can know this. We can assume that God has several billion thin ones, or maybe an infinite number of them, who knows?

Understanding that God has essentially an infinite number of subtle bodies, we can assume God can use many forms for his manifestation. There is no exclusivity in the fact that the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba enters someone for a short time to perform this or that spiritual task.

Once, I and about a hundred other devotees had a unique experience where two holy women, Mata Bijaya Devi from the Himalayas and Jaya Lakshmi Amma from Bangalore, were present at Prema Sai Baba's house at the same time.

With these two saints, there are frequent mystical experiences of the manifestation of the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba in them. Imagine Jaya Lakshmi Amma standing right in front of the house and Mata Bijaya Devi in the living room. On this day, it happened.

Both saints arrived at Prema Sai Baba's house on the same day, right after his birthday in 2018, when Prema Sai was six years old. Jaya Lakshmi Amma stood right in front of the house, and the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba inside Jaya Lakshmi Amma answered the questions of the devotees.

At the same time, Mata Bijaya Devi was standing in the center of the living room, and another subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba was talking about how to chant God. Sathya Sai Baba had entered both of them at the same time.

It was a truly amazing experience for everyone present showing that God can simultaneously enter any number of contactees in a subtle body, if there is a spiritual need for it. When such experiences of the manifestation of the subtle body of God occur, the contactee himself or herself does not remember anything.

In other words, when the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba enters Mata Bijaya Devi or Jaya Lakshmi Amma, for a while, they do not remember anything about what happened.

During such experiences, the personal consciousness of a person is turned off, completely giving place to the universal consciousnessof Sai. After the subtle body leaves the contactee, the people around tell Mata Bijaya Devi and Jaya Lakshmi Amma about what happened and what the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba said and did.

Let's go back to the story of how the boy Prema Sai Baba was discovered. All information about the place and time of the birth of the divine boy was received through Mata Bijaya Devi, which constantly included the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba.

At the very beginning of 2015, through Mata Bijaya Devi, information was received from Sathya Sai Baba that a group of five men from Manipur had to urgently leave for the south of India, in the state of Karnataka, in order to find the divine boy.

Sathya Sai Baba, being in the subtle body of Mata Bijaya Devi, indicated the names of five men who were supposed to go from the Himalayan mountains (Manipur state) to the very south. The task of this group was to find and finally identify the right child.

One of the sources of information was naturally the great book we have already spoken about, Sri Sathya Sai Anandadai. This book indicated the place and time of Prema Sai Baba's birth. The group members learned about the materials of this book a little later and so it took about two and a half months to complete the search.

To begin with, five young people had to find out which of the locals belonged to a certain "gotra" (clan). It was possible to find fourteen local families that belonged to the required clan. Thus, the circle of searches gradually narrowed.

Also, Sathya Sai Baba, in the subtle body, said it was necessary to sing a special bhajan (chant) dedicated to the god, Krishna, for the child and to also say the secret mantra of the god, Shiva.

Sathya Sai Baba, through Mata Bijaya Devi, said that when five young people sing the special Krishna bhajan for the child and repeat the Shiva mantra several times, the child will react in a special way. And so, it happened.

Five devotees from Manipur carefully checked the reaction of each applicant to the chanted bhajana and the recited mantra, but only one child responded as predicted.

On the feet of the divine boy, the mystical signs of the god, Vishnu, were also found, these were the image of a shell (Shanka) and a sacred disk (Chakra). On one foot there was an image of a shell, and on the other, a disk. These symbols appeared for several days, just long enough to identify the child.

When an Avatar is born, such signs miraculously appear on the feet so that others can be sure of the divinity of the child. Despite the fact that all three Sai Avatars are considered the incarnation of the god, Shiva, and goddess, Shakti, the signs of the god, Vishnu, still appeared on the feet as is the ancient Vedic tradition. After the discovery of the boy, these signs also miraculously disappeared.

Five devotees from the state of Manipur examined several children on April 11, 2015. However, the boy Prema Sai Baba was not among them. On that day, Teja Mani, Prema Sai Baba's mother, took her son to the nearby ancient Bewur, where her parents live.

The next day, the child was brought back to the village of Doddamallur, and only then could he be identified. The boy Prema Sai Baba was the last one to be checked.

It happened on April 12, 2015. At that time, the boy was two and a half years old. After that, in May of the same year, the holy family came for the first time to the Himalayas to the state of Manipur.

It was then that Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi first saw the boy already in their ashram. They didn't physically travel with the five students to south India; instead, they directed the searches by phone.

Interestingly, the boy Prema Sai Baba was discovered on April 12th. This date is the International Cosmonautics Day. On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on the Vostok spacecraft made a historical flight around the planet Earth for the first time in the history of human civilization.

An important mystical detail of the flight of the Russian cosmonaut was that this journey lasted 108 minutes, which is a sacred number for the Vedic tradition. Truly, everything in this world is not accidental. Everything is interconnected.

16. Wonderful games of Little Krishna

After my first visit to Prema Sai Baba, I began to frequently visit the holy family's house. At that time, I lived for a long time in the city of Mysore, in the ashram of Ganapati Satchidananda Swamiji. It was an hour and a half drive to the village of Doddamallur, and I could go there quite regularly, usually once a week.

When Prema Sai Baba was four years old, my wife and I began to stay for a long time at the house of Ramanna, who in the 1980s was the personal driver of Sathya Sai Baba. Ramanna has lived in the village of Doddamallur since 2010 calmly awaiting the next incarnation of Sai, knowing very well that Prema Sai Baba would incarnate there. As soon as Prema Sai Baba was discovered by a group from Manipur State in 2015, the happy Ramanna was among the first to start visiting the divine boy regularly.

Ramanna's house consisted of two floors. He lived on the first floor, and my wife and I settled on the second. It was very convenient as Prema Sai Baba's house was ten minutes away and we could communicate with him daily. This is how we lived in Doddamallur during the period when Prema Sai was four to six years old (2016–2018).

It is hard to imagine how the holy family lived when Prema Sai was discovered in 2015. Their house was right behind the ancient temple of Aprameya Swami, as Sathya Sai Baba had predicted. The house was extremely small and poor. There was one room where the parents, two children and a grandmother could barely fit. When Prema Sai Baba was six years old, devotees from Bangalore built a spacious and comfortable new home for the holy family on the outskirts of the village next to the jungle. After that, Prema Sai’s parents invited my wife and me to move to the new house, where we were given a separate room.

One of the first miracles I experienced in association with the divine boy was connected with the practice of the Gayatri mantra. For many years I have been practicing this amazing ancient mantra, repeating it several thousand times a day. Even during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba, many miracles happened to me as a result of the practice of the Gayatri Mantra. I talk about this in detail in my books.

When I started visiting Prema Sai Baba regularly, I decided to chant the Gayatri Mantra as much as possible in his divine presence. Sitting on the floor in his house, I practiced the mantra, and the divine child, who was six at the time, played nearby.

Suddenly, Prema Sai Baba looked at me and gestured that I should stop chanting the Gayatri Mantra. In simple English words, he explained that he knew I was practicing the Gayatri mantra and asked me to stop it for today.

I was surprised that the divine boy knew that in my mind I was repeating the Gayatri mantra. That day I stopped practicing this mantra. Naturally, the next day I continued my practice. I realized that it was a great blessing. Lord Sai constantly knows what and how we practice.

17. Miracles in the ancient city of Mysore

I have made many videos of Prema Sai Baba and posted them on various platforms on the internet. Gradually, devotees from different countries began to come to Doddamallur to see the Prema Sai Baba. Sometimes people came for only a couple of hours, and sometimes they stayed in the village for several weeks in order to get to know Prema Sai Baba better.

I continued to regularly hold Kriya Yoga meditation workshops in different parts of India, trying to organize the program so that participants could definitely meet the divine boy.

In 2018, when Prema Sai Baba was six years old, we brought him twice to the city of Mysore, the ancient capital of the state of Karnataka. Mysore is a beautiful city, in the center of which is a magnificent palace, where the family of the local Maharaja, the King of Mysore, still lives. On the outskirts of the city is the sacred mountain Chamundi, the main place of worship of the goddess, Durga.

The village of Doddamallur is quite close to Mysore, just over an hour away by car. The significance of these visits by Prema Sai Baba was a profound experience for all involved.

Various interesting programs were organized in Mysore, and I had to walk a lot every day. The boy was often tired, and sometimes one of the men had to carry him on his shoulders.

By that time, quite a lot of Russian devotees had already come to see him, and some had the honor of carrying the boy Prema Sai Baba on their shoulders.

Ivan from Moscow who is seriously engaged in Kriya yoga meditation, got the opportunity to carry the divine boy on his shoulders. Ivan realized that this was an important and unique moment.

He decided to mentally ask Prema Sai for a blessing to achieve Khechari Mudra. This is a complex yoga technique, the essence of which is that you need to put your tongue into the nasopharynx. This unusual position of the tongue helps in the practice of meditation, as it can activate important points in the central part of the brain. As soon as Ivan mentally asked Prema Sai Baba to achieve Khechari Mudra, he immediately made significant progress in this practice.

Nikolai, a musician from Moscow, carried Prema Sai Baba on his shoulders, too. During this time, Nikolai reflected on the many sins he had committed in this life. At that moment, Prema Sai Baba leaned towards Nikolai's ear, saying in English, "I know".

In Mysore, I was also lucky enough to carry Prema Sai Baba on my shoulders. I did so understanding the uniqueness of the moment. I decided to mentally ask for blessings to publish some of my new books on meditation and self-development. The next day I received an offer to publish some of my books with a major publishing house.

The divine boy loves art, in particular painting. A devotee from Russia gave some watercolors to Prema Sai Baba. This story also happened in Mysore, in one of the best hotels called, The Village.

The woman placed white paper, brushes, paints and a glass in front of Prema Sai Baba and went to get a bottle of water to pour into the glass. She told the divine boy she would now bring water and pour it into a glass. Prema Sai Baba replied that it was not necessary.

At that moment, water materialized in the glass. This miracle was seen by all present in the room — about ten people. Prema Sai Baba laughed merrily and everyone was both astonished and happy.

On the same day, another woman from Russia, who was sitting nearby, received a medallion with the image of Goddess Lakshmi as a gift from Prema Sai. I carefully examined the medallion and realized that the medallion was quite old. Where could the boy Prema Sai Baba get such an old locket? It's hard for me to say, but I can only assume he teleported the medallion from the depths of time.

Once we were sitting together in a restaurant with Prema Sai Baba, eating rice with delicious Indian sauces. His parents and brother were supposed to arrive five minutes later, so we were alone. Suddenly, the divine boy looked at me, took some rice in his hand, and carefully threw it at me.

When the rice touched me, it felt as if several stones had fallen on my head. He then turned his gaze to an empty corner and tossed some rice in that direction. Prema Sai Baba looked into an empty corner, but he saw something there. I realized it was some kind of mysterious blessing.

The day before the 2018 Mahashivaratri festival we celebrated in Mysore, Prema Sai Baba revealed the mantra. This happened through the experience of a mystical dream. This mantra is called the Prema Sai Gayatri Mantra.

Om Sampoorna Avataraya Vidmahe

Sainathaya Dhimahi

Tanno Prema Prachodayat

The first line of this mantra means we know that he is a complete divine incarnation. The second line translates as we meditate on Lord Sai. The third line says that we ask Prema Sai to enlighten our intellect so that we can see the highest truth.

18. Ability to understand all languages

Sathya Sai Baba most often spoke in his native language Telugu. At school, he studied basic English and Hindi. Despite his modest formal education throughout his life, Sathya Sai Baba demonstrated the ability to fluently understand and even speak any language. How can this be?

The New Testament describes a story when, after a mystical experience of the Holy Spirit, the disciples of Jesus Christ spoke in all languages. The inhabitants and guests of Jerusalem could not believe the Apostles were able not only to understand all languages, but also to speak freely.

Of course, Sathya Sai Baba showed the ability to speak any language extremely rarely, which happened only in his room during interviews and personal meetings. I personally witnessed such miracles several times during the time when I was his translator.

There were cases when I made mistakes while translating during personal meetings between Sathya Sai Baba and Russian-speaking devotees. In such situations, Sathya Sai always clearly understood the inaccuracy or simple misunderstanding.

In such situations, he told me that I was mistaken and repeated the phrase again. Sometimes, Sathya Sai Baba would correct me in a completely unusual way by saying the necessary phrase in Russian with perfect pronunciation and grammar.

Similar cases of Sathya Sai being able to speak in different languages have been told to me by Italians as well as Hindus from different parts of India who testified that he spoke to them in their native dialects.

Naturally, this is not about the fact that Sathya Sai is a linguistic genius and has learned many languages, but rather his ability being a manifestation of supernatural power.

The question arises: if Sathya Sai Baba could speak any language, then why did he need interpreters during meetings with foreigners? Sathya Sai Baba used translators during his meetings with Russians, Greeks, Japanese, Italians, Chinese, Spaniards and devotees from various countries, but why, because he could already speak any language?

I think there were so many miracles around Sathya Sai there was no point in showing the ability to speak any language. If he spoke to every person in his native language, it would cause such shock and surprise that people would not be able to concentrate on the essence of his message. In my opinion, that is why Sathya Sai Baba showed this ability only occasionally.

Similar manifestations of abilities are shown by Prema Sai Baba. My wife Svetlana knows English at a basic level, and so she speaks with Prema Sai Baba partly in English, and sometimes just in Russian.

Svetlana is sure Prema Sai Baba knows all languages and understands her perfectly. The divine child accurately reacts to her words and questions spoken in Russian, indicating he clearly understands everything.

Several people from Russia repeatedly checked how accurately the boy understands the Russian language. He always answers quite clearly in English to questions spoken in Russian. In order to answer the question correctly, you need to understand the content of the question itself. Naturally, Prema Sai Baba always answers accurately and correctly.

One day he answered my wife in pure Russian. I was there and heard it too. Svetlana happily said, "Bhagavan, you speak Russian." Prema Sai Baba laughed and said, "Maybe only once, maybe only once." All those present were happy.

Even now, Prema Sai Baba is showing the ability to heal people at a distance with the help of mystical dreams. One person from Russia was very sick. He saw my first videos posted on the Internet about Prema Sai Baba. The man was very glad that God had reincarnated on Earth again.

One night, the man experienced a mystical dream. In the dream he saw Prema Sai Baba blessing him. In the morning the man woke up completely healthy. The next night, Prema Sai Baba again came to this man in a dream and said that in gratitude he should buy him a gift — a book in English with beautiful illustrations, Russian Fairy Tales.

The next day the man bought the book. Since he did not know how to send a gift to distant India, he wrote to me. We agreed I would hand over the book the next time I went to India. Having received the book as a gift, Prema Sai Baba was very happy. It is interesting that at the age of six and seven the divine boy asked for Russian fairy tale books with beautiful pictures from several Russians.

Another interesting story happened when my friend Sainath, a Hindu from Puttaparthi, decided to invite the divine boy to visit Puttaparthi. Prema Sai Baba calmly replied to this suggestion, saying, "Why should I go there when I am not there, I am here now." He was six years old at the time.

The significance of this story is great. By this we see the divine boy indirectly indicated his identity with his past incarnation as Sathya Sai Baba. In addition, we see an important principle of the three Sai Avatars: do not come to your ashram that you founded in a previous birth.

In accordance with this principle, Sathya Sai Baba never went to Shirdi, the area where he lived as Shirdi Sai Baba in his previous birth. Prema Sai Baba refuses to go to Puttaparthi and Shirdi, the places where he lived in past incarnations.

The reason for such strange behavior is quite understandable, for not all Shirdi Sai devotees recognized Sathya Sai. In the same way, not all Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai devotees accept the current incarnation of God as Prema Sai Baba. In order not to create difficulties for people who do not accept him, he does not visit the ashrams founded by him in previous incarnations.

At present, Prema Sai Baba does not go to his previous ashrams. Obviously, we cannot guarantee that Prema Sai Baba will never visit Shirdi and Puttaparthi. Everything can change; everything is in his hands.

19. Knowing the truth

How can we be sure that this divine boy from the village of Doddamallur is Prema Sai Baba? Logical proof is useless and cannot help. Logic, reason and intellect cannot understand God. Logic cannot prove or disprove that this boy is a divine incarnation.

Only the spiritual heart of the devotees can feel the presence of God. How can you prove that Krishna was the incarnation of the god, Vishnu? How can you prove that the Buddha attained enlightenment? How can you prove that Jesus Christ was the Messiah? It is impossible to understand it logically; it is only possible to feel it.

During the life of the Buddha those who wanted to logically understand his spiritual state could not understand and realize his greatness. Those who at the time of Jesus Christ wanted to receive logical evidence he was the Messiah could not accept and recognize him. Only those who have been able to open their spiritual heart can recognize the divine incarnation. So it was in antiquity and so it is now.

In ancient Jerusalem, the Jews worshiped the One God, but only a part of them recognized the incarnation of the Messiah. When studying ancient Vedic texts such as the Mahabharata and the Bhagavatam, we read stories of how sometimes people worshiped God, but denied the divinity of Krishna, who was right in front of them.

I tell all the stories about the events as a direct witness and participant. The authenticity of my stories is obvious, but I fully understand that miracles cannot be proof of the divine origin of this child.

Supernatural abilities can manifest within many yogis and people with paranormal abilities. If someone demonstrates clairvoyance, levitation and materialization, and can also heal the sick with the power of their energy, this does not mean this person is the incarnation of God.

What then can be proof of the divinity of this or that candidate for Prema Sai Baba? The real evidence is the vibration of divine love, the grace and experience of the Holy Spirit.

Even now, in the presence of the boy Prema Sai Baba people experience divine states, spiritual bliss, and a state of universal divine love. From the age of five, tens of thousands of devotees around the world felt Prema Sai Baba was the incarnation of God.

During Sathya Sai Baba’s lifetime, he said that not all devotees would be able to recognize and accept his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. That is exactly what is happening. The fact is that not everyone more devoted to Shirdi Sai Baba was able to accept Sathya Sai Baba, the same is already happening with Prema Sai Baba.

20. Manifestations of God

In the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba, most of the people are Indian and Russian-speaking devotees from different countries. From the very beginning, the history of Prema Sai Baba has also been closely connected with Russia. More and more devotees from Russia came to visit Prema Sai Baba after he turned three years old.

Living permanently in the home of Prema Sai Baba, I have observed the flow of people who also have come from many other countries in Europe, Asia, North and South America.

Presently, there is intense discussion about how to understand who is Prema Sai Baba? I think those who’ve already learned it should be careful in preaching the truth, because those around them may not accept the truth at the moment. Everything should happen naturally and gradually as everyone progresses at their own pace.

For those people who strongly deny Prema Sai Baba, I can only advise them to be more careful, because out of ignorance one can start to deny God. If they still do not feel an inner spiritual connection with Prema Sai Baba, then one must continue to live a righteous and honest life and engage in meditation and prayer.

For some, God is associated with the form of a divine teacher of humanity, such as Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sathya Sai Baba. For others, God is an impersonal consciousness; in which case, it is appropriate to use such names of God as Brahman, Atman, Tao, Absolute, Jehovah, Spirit.

There are many religious people who perceive God through forms of the Mother Goddess, such as the Mother of God or the Christian wisdom goddess, Sophia.

There are many goddesses that people revere as a form of God, such as: Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kali, Durga, Shakti. In Hinduism, there are at least two great traditions where God is associated with the Mother Goddess. These traditions are called Shaktism and Sri Vidya.

In fact, God is beyond duality. We humans may well perceive God in more understandable forms and manifestations. Some see him as Father God or Mother Goddess.

For others, God may appear in form and name or out of form and name. There are common approaches to perceiving God as the supreme personality or as an impersonal cosmic principle. All options are equally true.

We must learn to respect each other and accept that different people may have different views and opinions about God and the truth. Sathya Sai Baba repeatedly said not all of his devotees would be able to recognize and accept his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. That is what we are seeing now.

For some, the theme of Prema Sai Baba opens easily and simply, but for others it is very difficult. Confusion in predictions and interpretations, attachment to the form of Sathya Sai Baba, the many candidates — all this and more does not allow one to easily accept the new reality of Prema Sai.

Some devotees come into contact with great spiritual and intellectual difficulties that make it difficult to understand the current situation with the arrival of Prema Sai Baba.

21. Materialization before construction of a new house

Jaya Lakshmi Amma (born 1952) lives in the South Indian city of Bangalore and plays an important role in the development of the Prema Sai Baba tradition. Since 2006, Sathya Sai Baba has manifested through her on a subtle plane. Jaya Lakshmi Amma repeats all the time that she does not perform any miracles, and that they only happen because Sathya Sai Baba is constantly present next to her on the subtle plane.

Materialization occurs in the following way — something miraculously appears in the hands of Jaya Lakshmi Amma, for example, a ring, a medallion or a Lingam.

Jayalakshmi Amma always stresses she doesn't know how or when this will happen. Objects simply spontaneously appear in her hands because on the subtle plane next to her there is always an invisible Sathya Sai Baba, who performs these amazing miracles.

Miracles that happen near Amma include healing from diseases, the materialization of various objects of power, and the transformation of people's destinies.

An important element of her mission is the regular performance of the traditional ritual of worship on the sacred sandals (Paduka), which Sathya Sai Baba presented to her in 2010, a year before his passing.

Sathya Sai Baba materialized in front of her house and handed over the sacred sandals (Paduka). Since then, Jaya Lakshmi Amma has traveled all over India, performing the traditional ritual of worship. Sometimes, she personally performs the ceremony, and sometimes she invites brahmins, traditional Hindu clerics.

Sometimes, these ceremonies take place in large halls, where several hundred to several thousand participants can be present and other times worship rituals take place in the homes of the devotees. These events are usually attended by a limited number of people. Those who regularly attend these ceremonies notice significant changes and improvements in the circumstances of their lives.

In 2018, the devotees decided to build a new home for Prema Sai Baba's family. Before the start of construction, Sathya Sai Baba physically materialized at four in the morning in the city of Bangalore in the house of Jaya Lakshmi Amma. When Sathya Sai Baba appeared, he materialized many different golden and silver amulets. Among these special charms were astrological amulets with precious stones as symbols of various Vedic gods and goddesses.

Having materialized many special objects of power, Sathya Sai Baba requested that all of them be buried in the center of the foundation of Prema Sai Baba's family home. Thus, many mystical objects, which were materialized by Sathya Sai Baba himself, were buried in the basement of Prema Sai Baba's house, while it was under construction.

Sathya Sai Baba often appears physically at Jaya Lakshmi Amma's home. He gives spiritual instructions to this unique holy woman and shares a lot of important information about Prema Sai Baba (about his own next incarnation).

In many traditions, including the Vedic and Christian ones, special mystical objects are sometimes placed at the base of the house, which protect all household members. What is unique in this story is that on the subtle plane Sathya Sai Baba leads and blesses his own next incarnation. It is amazing.

It is impossible to understand this rationally. God, as Absolute Consciousness, is simultaneously present in different forms, supporting himself in different manifestations. It sounds very strange, but in fact it looks like it. That is why, appearing in the form of Sathya Sai Baba in the house of Jaya Lakshmi Amma, he gives her instructions on how to develop the tradition of Prema Sai Baba.

While Prema Sai Baba is a child, some important decisions on the development of the tradition are made by Jaya Lakshmi Amma, or rather, through her, Sathya Sai Baba himself gives precise orders for the formation of the tradition. The next story happened when Prema Sai Baba was nine years old.

In his house there are four Lingams materialized by Sathya Sai Baba through Jaya Lakshmi Amma. Jaya Lakshmi Amma gave these four Lingams to Prema Sai Baba's parents in different years in order to bless their family. All Lingams were materialized at different times. Some of them were manifested during the Shivaratri festival.

Once, my wife, Svetlana, and I asked the parents of the divine boy to show us again the wonderful Lingams that we had seen many times already. To our surprise, there were no Lingams on the home altar. All attempts to find them failed.

Even after two weeks of searching the whole house, they were not found. It became clear there were simply no Lingams, and there were even suspicions that one of the visitors took them as a keepsake.

The boy Prema Sai Baba silently watched the long search. Finally, two weeks later, Prema Sai Baba told us to look at the altar. To everyone's surprise, four Lingams appeared there.

The entire altar room had been reviewed many times by many people and every time the Lingams were not there. It became very clear that Prema Sai Baba again materialized them right in the most prominent place.

22. Prema Sai’s first pilgrimages

We know that Sathya Sai Baba went on pilgrimages several times. The main place of his travels was the holy city of Badrinath, in the upper part of the Himalayas. This ancient city is located at an altitude of 3500 meters above sea level.

Sathya Sai Baba traveled a lot every year to various major cities in India, and he was abroad only once on a two-week trip to East Africa. It is difficult to say what the life and mission of Prema Sai Baba will look like. We have many guesses, but who can predict Sai?

One of the famous predictions says he will travel a lot, including on different continents. From a very early age, Prema Sai Baba has already made pilgrimage and tourist trips in India and abroad.

Now, Prema Sai Baba is 11 years old (2023), and he has already been abroad three times: in Thailand and Sri Lanka (beginning of 2020), as well as in Dubai (autumn 2022). In 2020, he was issued a Russian visa, but the trip was postponed due to the pandemic. The trip to the south of Sri Lanka was especially significant because it was organized jointly by devotees from Russia and Ukraine.

In India, Prema Sai Baba visited the sacred mountain, Arunachala, in 2021, which is one of the most important places of power of Lord Shiva. We will talk about this trip in more detail a little later. Another important pilgrimage was a trip to the ancient city of Rameshwaram.

This place is located in the very south of India and is associated with the legends of Rama Avatar. The trip to Rameshwaram in April 2022 was wonderful and I was fortunate to join Prema Sai Baba on this pilgrimage.

Prema Sai Baba spent about a week in Rameshwaram with his family and several Russian devotees. He visited the main temple of the god, Shiva, where there is an ancient Lingam installed according to legend by Rama Avatar.

Prema Sai Baba bathed inside the temple in twenty-one wells of holy water. Among the places of power, he honored with his presence in Rameshwaram was the ancient temple of the sage, Agastya, which is located on the very spot where the ashram of the sage, Agastya, was in ancient times.

Prema Sai Baba visited the stone footprints of Rama Avatar, located on the top of a picturesque hill, overlooking the surrounding fields and jungle. We also visited Dattatreya Tirtha together, the sacred pond where the sage, Datta, bathed in past ages. The boy Prema Sai Baba also bathed in this pond.

23. My trip to Nepal, miracles with Shaligram

In 2021, my wife, Svetlana, and I once again visited Jaya Lakshmi Amma. On that day, Sathya Sai Baba, through Jaya Lakshmi Amma, materialized a small stone called Shaligram (a symbol of the god Vishnu) for Svetlana.

A year later, in March 2022, we went on a trip to Nepal. This journey was blessed by Prema Sai Baba. We felt his invisible presence literally at every stage of our journey. Many interesting adventures, miracles and meetings happened to us in Nepal.

Since we were flying to Nepal for the first time, we did not know how to get a visa on arrival and were a little worried. The miracles of the manifestation of divine grace began right at the Airport.

As soon as we got off the plane, a man, an airport worker, approached us and asked if we needed a visa on arrival. We answered in the affirmative. He escorted us to the computer desk, helped us fill out the questionnaires, printed them out himself, and quietly disappeared from view. We didn't even get to thank him. We noticed that all other passengers applied for visas on their own.

The second time we unexpectedly saw the same employee at the exit from the Airport. He asked if we had forgotten our luggage. At that moment, my wife and I had in our hands a small suitcase for hand luggage. We really did forget our luggage. How could this stranger know about this? All this was a manifestation of Sai's love, care, and blessings.

Throughout our journey through Nepal, we were constantly accompanied by the love and miracles of Sai. Someone always appeared at the right time and solved the issues that arose during the trip in the best possible way.

One day we went to the mountains by bus. Ten minutes before the final stop, the driver stopped the bus and said we should get off, as we had to go a little in the other direction to get to our hotel.

The bus stopped in the middle of the road and the driver opened the front door. A huge Nepalese man appeared right in front of the bus and helped us unload our suitcases. The stranger then asked where we should go.

There was a sports field nearby but there were no buildings around, so the unexpected appearance of the stranger was especially eerie. I was very surprised about why he was there and how he suddenly appeared in the middle of the road.

We were very tired from many hours of travel on mountain roads and did not really analyze what was happening. We thought the man just wanted to make money. We raised our hand to flag down a passing car, but no one stopped.

The Nepalese stranger instead stopped a passing car for us. He was being genuinely kind, but we were naturally suspicious of him. When we asked how much we owed him for help, he smiled and said the amount we should pay the driver. The stranger refused to take money for helping us unload our things, find a taxi, and show us the right way to the hotel.

While we were packing our luggage into the taxi, the stranger disappeared as if he had never been there. The open space was an empty straight highway and he would not have gone far so quickly.

In the mountain hotel we had a beautiful view from the window, of the mountains and the lake. One morning Svetlana held in her hands the sacred Shaligram materialized by Sathya Sai Baba through Jaya Lakshmi Amma. Suddenly, the sacred stone disappeared right in her hands (dematerialized). It was clear that for some reason, Sathya Sai Baba had taken away the wonderful Shaligram.

Svetlana immediately called Jaya Lakshmi Amma on the phone. As soon as Svetlana told her about the dematerialization of Shaligram Jaya Lakshmi Amma entered into meditation to seek advice from Sathya Sai Baba on a subtle plane.

Jaya Lakshmi Amma almost immediately announced that God would return the Shaligram to Svetlana and there was no need to worry. After a couple of hours, we went to the top of the mountain, where the ancient temple of the god Shiva is located.

On the way we stopped for a cup of tea in a mountain roadside cafe. Suddenly, the same Shaligram jumped out (materialized) right from Svetlana's navel.

Svetlana was very happy to have the sacred artifact back, which was now doubly valuable. We immediately called Jaya Lakshmi Amma, who said that all this time she’d been praying to Sathya Sai Baba that he miraculously returns the Shaligram.

It is difficult to say why Sathya Sai Baba took away the Shaligram for a while, and then returned it again in such an unusual way. In such situations, there can be many reasons. During the whole story with the disappearance and further appearance of the Shaligram, the boy Prema Sai Baba closely followed the situation.

Naturally, Svetlana called him both after the dematerialization and after the materialization of the sacred stone. He seemed to be idly watching the unfolding events constantly giving hints that he knew exactly how the story would end.

There were some great meetings in Kathmandu. We met Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, who was staying at our hotel. A group of Chinese Buddhist pilgrims introduced us to a high lama from the Nyingma school, from whom we received initiation.

Several times we visited the abbot of the Goraknath temple, whose temple is located on the top of the mountain of the Pashupatinath temple complex.

Another interesting situation showing the care of Sai Baba happened to us at the airport already on the flight from Nepal. In the morning, after leaving the hotel, we did not have breakfast, because it was still too early. Arriving at the airport, we realized it was impossible to eat, because the check-in area was being renovated.

We went into the waiting hall and were offered to relax in the business lounge, but we refused and decided to go through passport control and look for some kind of snack in the landing area. After passing through passport control and checking in our luggage, we realized we would remain hungry because the waiting room was also being renovated.

My wife Svetlana said she would try to negotiate with the officers to go to the business hall area in order to buy something there. Turning to the officer, she realized all requests were useless, and sadly went back to the waiting room.

After walking ten meters, she met a senior officer who strangely asked her if she was hungry. She answered in the affirmative. After that, the senior officer helped her back through the control zone. Then Svetlana went to the business hall where she was not asked for money for entry. Inside the business lounge, she bought food and water.

After that, Svetlana returned to the passport control zone, and the officer who originally did not want to let her out for food was very surprised that she already had a stamp in her passport, although he was the one who put the stamp there before. This is how the blessings and grace of Sai Baba work. He helps his devotees literally at every step.

And that's not all. On the fully loaded plane, the row on which we were sitting was magically empty and we had a great sleep on the flight. Happy and satisfied we returned to Doddamallur to Prema Sai.

24. Divine games in Goa

In the spring of 2022, my wife and I spent two weeks in Goa, where I continued to work on a new book and conducted online seminars on Kriya Yoga meditation. The state of Goa is perhaps one of the most unusual in India. Many associate Goa exclusively with a beach holiday, but actually this is a state with deep culture and history.

This is probably the most Christian territory in India. There are beautiful Portuguese-style churches everywhere. The magnificent nature is wonderfully combined with the most beautiful Catholic cathedrals. If you go a little inland, away from the beach, there are mountains covered with jungle.

The main Christian shrine in Goa is the incorrupt relics of St. Francis Xavier (1506–1552), who lived in the 16th century. Born in distant Spain, he became one of the founders of the Jesuit order and the chief disciple of Saint Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556).

Ignatius Loyola’s most important contribution to Christian mysticism was the writing of the book Spiritual Exercises, which became a method for many Christians in Europe and around the world on the path of divine transformation.

Francis Xavier was one of the first to apply the methods of spiritual self-improvement set forth in the book of Ignatius Loyola. Now, in the 21st century, some doubt the relevance of the methods described in the Spiritual Exercises. It’s hard to say as any path is always personal. In the distant 16th century, it was thanks to the practices learned in this book that Francis Xavier gained mystical experiences of the Holy Spirit. Feeling the call of his heart, he traveled to the East in order to preach Christianity.

Having gone to the East, he preached the Word of Christ in India, Japan, and China. After his death in China, they decided to transfer his body to India for burial. As a result of the reburial of the honest relics of the saint, it turned out that God showed them a miracle of incorruption.

When I visit Goa, I always make a pilgrimage to the relics of St. Francis Xavier to practice prayers and meditation there. Undoubtedly, this is one of my favorite places in India.

During our stay in Goa, we suddenly lost a small envelope with several SIM cards. It was clear to us that no one could steal it, since there were no strangers in our villa. Intuition suggested this was another miracle and a joke of Prema Sai Baba.

The loss of such an important item as a SIM card was very difficult, since many accounts on the Internet were tied to them. We dug through the whole house where we stayed, but the envelope was nowhere to be found.

On the same day, Svetlana’s sunglasses disappeared. She wasn’t exactly sure where or how she lost them. She knew she might have just dropped them on the street, or perhaps even in the ocean.

After Goa, we returned to Doddamallur, to the home of Prema Sai Baba. As soon as we entered our room, the boy Prema Sai Baba immediately materialized the same envelope with the SIM cards inside.

He smiled and asked us, “Is this envelope important to you?” It became clear to us that our intuition did not fail us; it was indeed a divine game by Prema Sai Baba.

Joyfully receiving the envelope with the SIM cards, Svetlana immediately asked Prema Sai Baba to return the sunglasses as well. To this, the divine boy replied he did not take the sunglasses, and that they were taken by the ocean. Some may ask, why did he do it? Why waste energy teleporting SIM cards?

Any miracle of Sai has a deep spiritual meaning — the meaning of which is revealed over time. By this miracle, he showed that he completely controls every moment of our life, everything is under the control of God and there is no need to worry, because everything is a game of his Consciousness.

25. Teleportation of the brother

At the end of November 2021, an amazing event happened in the house. It all started with the fact that Prema Sai Baba lit up fireworks and crackers right in front of the house.

Out of fear due to the loud noises, a small dog named Bruno suddenly ran out of the gate of the house. The dog quickly ran towards the highway, which is a kilometer from the house. Prema Sai Baba ran after the dog with a few devotees.

Prema Sai Baba’s older brother, Keshan, also ran with everyone, running after the group of devotees at the very end. I also went after the dog. It was clear there was no need to hurry, as the main group of devotees, along with Prema Sai Baba, quickly ran along the road ahead. Consequently, I walked in the same direction behind the whole group.

Suddenly, Keshan physically disappeared and appeared three hundred meters ahead of everyone. Keshan instantly grabbed the runaway dog and returned the dog to Prema Sai Baba.

This great miracle was seen by several devotees who were present. On the same day, we decided to ask Prema Sai Baba and his brother about the miracle that had happened.

The older brother said he did not know anything and did not understand what we were asking him. Prema Sai Baba laughed. It became clear to everyone that he teleported his brother in front of everyone in order to return the runaway dog.

Again, the question arises about the meaning of everything that happened. The chain of events was very strange. In the beginning, cheerful explosions of fireworks, then the dog escape, and then the brother’s teleportation. Why did he do it? As always, this is a great mystery.

Everything in the universe is subject to the providence of God. Our ignorance causes us to perceive the physical world as real and unchanging, while everything is in a flux of constant impermanence. The most important thing is that these changes are subject to the Creator.

A couple of weeks after the story with his older brother, Keshan, Prema Sai Baba materialized a small medallion with the image of the goddess, Durga. Goddess Durga is a symbol of transformative spiritual energy, and she is also famous for her functions as a protector from potential negative influences.

It happened when Prema Sai Baba and I were sitting on the sofa in front of his house. Suddenly, he pointed to an empty space of the sofa between me and him, after which a small medallion appeared out of thin air on the sofa between us.

On the other side of the medallion was a symbol called the Sri Yantra. This is a symbol of the Sahasrara chakra, an energy point located at the top of the head. Meditation on the Sahasrara chakra grants enlightenment and leads to the realization of the original identity of the soul with God.

Sathya Sai Baba used numerous methods of materialization, which are now being used by Prema Sai Baba. One of these methods is the appearance of an object directly from the air in front of the person for whom this materialization is being performed. Such items are amulets that protect energetically and transmit special vibrations that help us on the spiritual path.

26. Prema Sai Baba in two bodies

There are several cases when Prema Sai Baba teleported his body or created his body double. The first of these cases involved Sharvani, a young woman from Kolkata who moved with her parents to the village of Doddamallur.

The story of this wonderful family is worthy of a separate book. Here, I will only mention they moved from their hometown of Calcutta to Doddamallur because Sai came to them several times in a dream and reported he had already been born as Prema Sai Baba.

Sharvani often helps the divine boy with his homework and prepares him for his exams at the end of each semester, offering a truly amazing service. One day, Sharvani came to the second floor of Prema Sai's house and was looking for the divine boy.

She looked cautiously into my room where I was sitting with my wife on a mat very close to Prema Sai Baba, who was sleeping on the bed. Sharvani excused herself and then closed the door.

She then looked toward the stairs leading to the roof. Much to her surprise the young woman saw the boy Prema Sai Baba calmly descending the stairs from the roof. At that time Prema Sai was nine years old.

Another incident happened when Prema Sai Baba was ten years old. In those days, about twenty devotees from Russia were staying at his house. One evening the divine boy played with the devotees on the large balcony on the second floor.

That evening he did the first tea ceremony for everyone, and we enjoyed Chinese tea prepared by Prema Sai himself. He did the ceremony so competently and professionally that it seemed he was an experienced master of tea ceremonies with many years of experience.

After finishing the tea ceremony, Prema Sai went to the first floor with several people following after him wanting to escort him to his room located there. He entered the room and said goodbye until tomorrow, as it was already late in the evening.

The group of devotees said goodbye and then went back up to the second floor. Much to their surprise, they saw the divine boy sitting quietly on the floor in the living room on the second floor.

For some of those present, it was such a big shock that a couple of people simply sat on chairs and fell into a long silence. As with the other teleportation incident, I was also a direct participant in this event and can testify to these astounding occurrences.

27. Watch hidden behind a pillow

When we visited Bangkok with the holy family at the beginning of 2020, another important incident happened to me. Prema Sai was then seven and a half years old. In order to understand the deep meaning of this event, I first need to tell the story that happened in the room of Sathya Sai Baba in the late ‘90s, when I was his interpreter for Russian-speaking devotees.

One group from Russia received an interview, a personal communication with Sathya Sai Baba. As usual, I went to the meeting room in order to translate during communication. As we know, only Sathya Sai Baba himself decided who and when people would get the opportunity to communicate with him personally.

People did not know in advance who and when Sathya Sai Baba would invite to the cherished room in order to talk to him personally. Naturally, these were unique experiences of direct communication and the opportunity to ask your personal questions, as well as receive individual instructions on spiritual practices.

At that interview, as usual, we were sitting in the room on the floor, and Sathya Sai Baba was in his chair. There was a conversation, and people asked questions and listened carefully to the precious answers while I translated. Suddenly, Sathya Sai Baba got up abruptly from his chair, turned the chair in my direction, and then went into the next room. To my surprise, I saw there was a watch on the chair behind the pillow, part of which was hidden behind the pillow and part visible.

After a couple of minutes, Sathya Sai Baba returned from the next room and sat down on the chair again. I knew something special was going on. Among the objects that Sathya Sai Baba materialized there were not only rings and rosaries, but also watches. I thought that most likely he would now materialize those same items for someone present.

For me there was no doubt this was Sai's amazing humor, a kind of provocation for the mind. Some in my place might doubt that Sathya Sai Baba is perhaps just a magician. Of course, I knew Sathya Sai Baba too well and understood that all this was just, "jokes of Sai".

A moment later, Sathya Sai Baba called one of the meeting participants to him. As soon as the man came closer, Sathya Sai began characteristic movements with his right hand and materialized the very watch. I remember this case because it was very unusual, one might even say it was a kind of a test of my awareness and understanding.

I told you this strange story because there is an even more unusual sequel involving Prema Sai Baba. At the very beginning of 2020, we went to Bangkok with the holy family for a couple of weeks. Once we visited a large shopping center. Teja Mani, Prema Sai's mother, and Svetlana went shopping for relatives, while the divine boy and I sat on a sofa and waited for the shopping to be completed.

Prema Sai Baba asked me for my watch, so I immediately took it off and handed it to him. There were small pillows on the sofa we sat on. He took my watch and placed it behind a pillow next to him. He laid this watch in exactly the same way it had laid during the interview with Sathya Sai Baba. After the boy placed the timepiece in this way, he slyly looked at me and asked if I remember how in a past life, he also showed me the watch behind the pillow on his chair.

At that moment he was seven and a half years old. Such stories are amazing because Sai is able not only to perform miracles, but to build multi-level chains of miracles that reveal deep meanings and transform human consciousness. Sometimes, he performs the beginning of a miracle in one life and completes this miracle in the next.

28. The older brother, Keshan

A special question is the mission of Prema Sai Baba's elder brother, Keshan (born in 2008). Already, quite a few devotees believe that Keshan is a partial Avatar. Some say he is the embodiment of the cosmic divine serpent Adi-Shesha, who lives in heaven. It is on this cosmic serpent that the supreme Lord Maha-Vishnu reclines.

According to Vedic legends, God, almost always, does not incarnate alone, but with his celestial team, which includes Adi-Shesha, who incarnates as the brother of the Avatar.

Some Avatars of the past had brothers who played an important role in their mission. Krishna had an older brother, Balarama, who, according to the sacred texts, was a partial incarnation of the god, Vishnu, and was born along with Krishna in order to help him in his spiritual mission on Earth.

Rama Avatar had several brothers who played an important role in his mission. One of them was Lakshmana, who devotedly followed his divine brother and assisted in his work of delivering the goddess, Sita.

Lakshmana spent many years together with Rama Avatar in the foothills of the Himalayas where they visited the ashrams of the sages together and received spiritual instructions and practiced austerities. Lakshmana, together with his divine brother, took part in the battles with the demon Ravana and his army.

Another brother of Rama Avatar who played an important role in his mission was Bharata. It was Bharata who began the tradition of honoring the sandals of the Lord (Paduka), which became one of the most important plots in the Ramayana epic.

Jesus Christ also had a brother, most likely an older one, whose name was Jacob. After the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, it was his brother, James, who led the first community of Christians, which was historically called the Jerusalem Church.

Usually, we are accustomed to think that the apostle Peter is the main disciple of Jesus Christ. It is very strange that there is little mention of James, the brother of Jesus, in the New Testament.

Immediately after the ascension of Jesus Christ, it was his brother James who became the leader of the first Christians, which is described in the Acts of the Apostles.

We also have to admit that not all Avatars had significant brothers. For example, the Buddha did not have brothers who were known for their special role in history.

We know about Sathya Sai Baba's relatives, but none of them have had a tradition of special reverence. Sathya Sai Baba took great care of his relatives, including his brother, but strictly forbade the creation of any special worship cults for his relatives.

After the departure of his parents, a tomb was built where many devotees could practice meditation and prayer. Honoring the parents of Sathya Sai Baba is quite natural, but during their lifetime they did not play an important role in the spiritual life of the ashram.

It is difficult to say what kind of cult of veneration for the parents of Sathya Sai Baba may develop in a few centuries. For example, during the life of Jesus Christ, there was no hint of the veneration of his mother, but several centuries later a great tradition of veneration of the Virgin Mary appeared in Greek Orthodox and Catholic Christianity.

Let's get back to discussing the personality of Keshan, the elder brother of Prema Sai Baba. This is a very difficult question at the moment, because Prema Sai Baba is only eleven years old at the time of writing this book, and his elder brother, Keshan, is fourteen.

We already know Keshan is a unique person. When his mother, Taja Mani, was pregnant and about to give birth to her first child, Keshan, she had a mystical dream. In this dream, she realized she would give birth not to a simple child, but to the next incarnation of Balarama (Krishna's elder brother).

By this logic, if the first son was Balarama, then naturally the mother was not surprised when the second son was recognized as Krishna (Prema Sai Baba). From a very early age, Keshan constantly performed traditional Vedic worship of the gods, especially goddesses such as Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati and Kali.

Little Keshan sometimes does not have time to do his homework, because he constantly does Vedic worship ceremonies for goddesses, all day long. Instead of playing with the neighborhood boys, he is busy decorating the statues on the home altar.

If you look closely at some of the children's games of the divine brothers, you can see that Keshan treats his brother, Prema Sai Baba, as a goddess. There were many cases where Keshan called and even prayed to his brother, calling him "Amma", which means "mother goddess".

Quite a few devotees notice that Keshan performs traditional goddess worship (pujas) from morning to evening with amazing inspiration. His rituals last literally for hours, and he regularly does not have time to do school homework, because he is constantly busy worshiping goddesses.

The rituals performed by Keshan have miraculous powers, so some devotees ask him to perform prayers for them. Prema Sai Baba follows this closely and encourages his brother's practice.

29. Pilgrimage to Mount Arunachala

Sathya Sai Baba predicted that one of the signs that his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba was gaining strength would be the flooding of the Chitrawati River which flows in the village of Puttaparthi.

A couple of years before Sathya Sai Baba passed away, and as he predicted, the Chitrawati River dried up completely. People knew this was an indirect sign of the imminent departure of Sathya Sai Baba, but no one wanted to think about sad things, so people drove away such thoughts.

In 2012, when Prema Sai Baba was born, a tiny stream appeared in the dry riverbed, which gradually became a full-flowing river again. In 2021, unexpectedly for everyone, the river was filled with much water, which led to a large flood. Luckily no one was hurt, but for some time life was difficult near the main ashram in Puttaparthi.

The water in some parts of Puttaparthi was waist deep. It happened on the 96th birthday celebration of Sathya Sai Baba. Thus, God showed that Prema Sai Baba is already actively entering into the fullness of his global divine mission. Many Sai devotees were reverently looking forward to Sathya Sai Baba's 96th birthday.

As you remember, Sathya Sai Baba predicted that he would live to be 96 years old, although in reality he left the body at the age of 84 years. There were quite a few expectations and strange predictions associated with this date, the 96th year of Sathya Sai Baba's birth. There were even speculations among some followers that he would be physically resurrected on his 96th birthday.

Let me remind you that according to Indian reckoning of age, a child is already born at the age of one. Namely, therefore, the 96th anniversary of the birth of Sathya Sai was celebrated in Indian style in 2021 (in Western style it is 2022).

The festival was canceled due to the raging elements. It was clear to everyone that this meant something. It was a clear message from God, but only those who already knew about the incarnation of Prema Sai Baba could understand it.

In the same year, 2021, a historic event took place, which was the first pilgrimage of Prema Sai Baba to the sacred mountain Arunachala. There are two mountains in the world that are associated with the god, Shiva — these are Kailash and Arunachala. Kailash is located high in the mountains of Tibet (China), and Arunachala is in the very south of India, in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Arunachala Mount is famous for many as the place where Ramana Maharshi (1879–1950) lived in the first half of the 20th century. There is also one of the world's largest temple complexes of the god, Shiva, which is called Arunachaleshvara. Prema Sai Baba visited this holy place on the day of a total solar eclipse. This day coincided with another special day called Shani Amavasya (Hindu festival associated with Saturn). This happened on December 3rd and 4th 2021.

The meaning of the solar eclipse and Shani Amavasya can be interpreted in different ways. In many ways, the significance of such astronomical events depends on your personal horoscope and level of spiritual development.

It would not be correct to say that such events are unambiguously favorable or negative. For example, the god, Shani (Saturn in Western astrology) is perceived by different people in very different ways.

There are many people in India who are terribly afraid of the god, Shani, because they believe he can destroy the fate of a person and bring many misfortunes.

Naturally, such a point of view is an ordinary prejudice based on a misunderstanding of the deep symbolism of the god, Shani. Each Vedic deity is an archetype and a symbol denoting the different aspects of consciousness, and different types of cosmic energy.

God Shani is the structure of life and systematic thinking. That is why this deity is credited with power over human destiny. Shani Amavasya is a day on which special spiritual opportunities arise in working on such qualities and abilities as a clear understanding of priorities, consistency, structure, and time management.

The same misunderstanding arises regarding the interpretation of solar or lunar eclipses. The sun in the Vedic tradition is associated with the god, Surya, who symbolizes leadership qualities, the embodiment of one's destiny, service, and many other wonderful qualities and potentials in a person. A solar eclipse can affect thinking and personality in many different ways, both positively and negatively.

We remember not only the very fact of Prema Sai Baba's visit to the sacred mountain of Arunachala, but also the importance of the days on which he made the pilgrimage. I was fortunate to accompany Prema Sai Baba on this trip.

It was quite obvious to me he not only enjoyed the journey like a child, but also carried out some important spiritual work on the subtle plane for the entire universe. During his pilgrimage, he made special prayers for the harmonization of the situation in all countries and for the well-being of all people.

Right at the foot of the mountain, he acquired a small stone statuette of Mahavatar Babaji, on which he performed the traditional ritual of worship. The divine boy, along with his older brother Keshan, brought flowers and milk, sacred ashes and incense to the statue of Mahavatar Babaji. They sang mantras dedicated to Lord Shiva and Mahavatar Babaji. It was amazing to watch Prema Sai Baba perform such worship.

Who can the Avatar worship? Everything was mysterious in this action, including the meaning and meanings of this sacred action. Returning home to his village, Prema Sai Baba performed several more worship ceremonies for Mahavatar Babaji.

During the pilgrimage, Prema Sai Baba visited the main temple of Lord Shiva at the foot of Mount Arunachala, which is called Arunachaleshvara. We also visited the tombs of three great sages who lived at the foot of the sacred mountain in the 20th century: Ramana Maharshi (1879–1950), Sheshadri Swamigal (1870–1929) and Yogi Ramsuratkumar (1918–2001).

30. Prema Sai Baba and Mahavatar Babaji

Starting from 2021, the boy Prema Sai Baba started frequently talking about Mahavatar Babaji, the immortal yogi from the Himalayas. What do we know about Babaji?

Mahavatar Babaji is the Himalayan Mahatma. Since the middle of the 20th century, a lot of publications about him have gradually appeared. Speculation has been made about his birth, life and mission, but Babaji remains a mystery.

Mahavatar Babaji is at the absolute level of enlightenment. He is a physically immortal master, which is the perfect stage of development, beyond human understanding. Around us, people are born, live life, and then die. The surrounding reality convinces us that all people are mortal. That is why information about the immortal Himalayan Mahatmas causes mixed feelings, from admiration to skepticism.

Of course, physical immortality is not the goal of divine evolution. We follow the path of spiritual self-improvement in order to know God in our spiritual heart. This process can be described in different ways.

Someone talks about merging with God, someone prefers to talk about the awakening of God in the spiritual heart, for someone this is the way of knowing the truth about God, dissolving in God, rising to God, etc.

It is not so important how we try to describe the path of divine evolution. What is important is that this path is associated with the transformation of consciousness and self-realization of the original unity of the soul and God. Physical immortality is a natural consequence of higher enlightenment, as explained by my Kriya Yoga meditation guru, Yogi Ramaiah (1923–2006).

Prema Sai Baba says that Mahavatar Babaji really exists and is one of the greatest spiritual mentors of mankind. In 2021, Prema Sai Baba talked about Babaji so often that at times there was a feeling of Babaji's invisible presence in Prema Sai's house.

Prema Sai Baba performed the first great ritual of worship to Mahavatar Babaji at the foot of Mount Arunachala. Subsequently, he performed several more worship ceremonies at his home in the village of Doddamallur. These events are truly a great mystery, pointing to the joint mission of the three Sai Avatars and Mahavatar Babaji on Earth in the name of the spiritual transformation of mankind.

In my main book, Creativity of Eternal Life, the first and second parts are devoted to the life and teachings of Mahavatar Babaji. One of the sources of reliable information about Mahavatar Babaji was my guru, Yogi Ramaiah.

I was lucky to comprehend the wisdom of the practice of meditation and mantra under the guidance of Yogi Ramaiah for 12 years. The uniqueness of Yogi Ramaiah was that he studied in the Himalayan cave ashram of Babaji in the middle of the 20th century.

Mahavatar Babaji lives in the Himalayas, but he can appear anywhere in the world to meet with disciples and give spiritual instructions. That is why it is not necessary to travel to the distant Himalayas in order to see a great teacher.

If you are spiritually and energetically ready, he himself can miraculously appear in front of you at any moment, even if you are at home in any part of the world.

By attuning with Mahavatar Babaji during meditation or prayer, you can draw on his blessed presence and experience the invisible or even apparent closeness of this supreme teacher.

The body of Mahavatar Babaji is called the "body of eternal youth" because, despite the fact that he has been living on Earth for many aeons, he looks like a young man. My teacher Yogi Ramaiah has repeatedly told me that Babaji looks like a young man of about eighteen years of age, and some direct disciples of Mahavatar Babaji describe his appearance as a young man of about twenty years.

One of the most difficult truths to understand about Mahavatar Babaji is that he is physically immortal. There are many steps on the path of enlightenment and self-realization. At the highest peaks of spiritual experience, the matter of the physical body is also transformed into a luminous golden substance.

The beautiful, eternally youthful body of Mahavatar Babaji does not cast a shadow, because it is itself a source of the purest light. This body does not eat physical food, nor does it need sleep and rest. The most amazing thing about this body is that it does not breathe.

We tend to think that breathing is the basis of life. Human life begins with the first breath and ends with the last breath — breathing is synonymous with life itself. Each inhalation symbolizes birth, and each exhalation symbolizes death.

During the day we experience thousands of small births and deaths; each inhalation and exhalation is a new life, full of new possibilities. Since Mahavatar Babaji is beyond the duality of birth and death, his perfect body does not carry out the process of breathing.

One of my favorite books on self-development and esotericism, which I have been reading and re-reading for many years, is Autobiography of a Yogi by the prominent Indian spiritual teacher Paramahansa Yogananda (1893–1952).

He wrote his autobiography as a captivating novel, in a beautiful literary style, with an unusual plot and vivid descriptions of amazing events. The book contains the deepest information about Mahavatar Babaji and other teachers of the Kriya Yoga tradition.

For a large number of spiritual seekers from various countries, this amazing book was the first experience they had of contact with true divinity, helping them to embark on the path of spiritual self-exploration.

There are many practitioners of meditation and yoga for whom Autobiography of a Yogi is a reference book to help people advance on the path of knowledge of eternal truth.

Paramahansa Yogananda published The Autobiography of a Yogi in 1946, detailing his life story and numerous stories of interactions with prominent spiritual teachers in the Kriya Yoga tradition, including some stories about the legendary Babaji.

For the first time in the history of mankind, in his autobiography, Paramahansa Yogananda openly told a wide readership about the existence of Mahavatar Babaji. It is hard to imagine now, but before the publication of Autobiography of a Yogi, only a small group of advanced yogis knew of Babaji's existence.

In his book, Paramahansa Yogananda mentioned his personal meeting with Mahavatar Babaji. He also talked about how several other teachers of the Kriya Yoga tradition also met directly with the immortal Babaji and received spiritual instructions from him.

Information about Mahavatar Babaji is not just a personal experience or fantasy of Yogananda; it is serious and objective information confirmed by many great yogis who managed to communicate directly with Babaji.

Mahavatar Babaji was not born in the usual way. He appeared from a flash of light on the sacred Mount Kailash in Tibet, which happened in ancient times. He has lived on Earth for many millions of years.

There is another version according to which Mahavatar Babaji was born in the 3rd century A.D. in southern India, near the city of Chidambaram, where one of the world's largest temples of the god, Shiva is located.

As a very young man, he practiced meditation and mantras for only a few months, after which he attained supreme enlightenment. The variety of assumptions and versions about the birth of Mahavatar Babaji should not confuse or create contradictions. Let everyone follow their own version.

31. Swayambhu Lingam with a relief of the trident of the god, Shiva

We now come to one of the most significant first miracles performed by Prema Sai Baba. I narrate the miracles of Prema Sai Baba not quite in chronological order. The chronological sequence, in my opinion, is not as significant as the intuitive feeling in the presentation of the information, which is more important.

When Prema Sai Baba was about five years old, he blessed a small piece of land in the jungle on the outskirts of the village of Bewur. This village is located fifteen kilometers from his home village, Doddamallur.

The mother of Prema Sai Baba, whose name is Teja Mani, was born and raised in the village of Bewur. Naturally, the divine boy often visits the village of Bewur, where his numerous maternal relatives live. The boy blessed a piece of land in the neighboring jungle, and as a result of this blessing, a stone Lingam began to grow from under the ground.

When an artifact begins to grow by itself from underground, in Sanskrit it is called Swayambhu, which translates as "self-arising". When the Lingam gradually began to grow from the ground, no one paid attention to the features of this stone. However, over time it became clear there was a relief on the plane of the stone.

On this stone (Lingam) one can clearly see the miraculous trident of the god, Shiva. Looking at this relief, you might think that some sculptor made it. The outlines are very clear and graceful, and it's hard to believe that something like this can just materialize.

I personally observed how gradually this stone appeared from under the ground. The process took place approximately during the period of three years. When Prema Sai Baba was nine years old, with his blessing, the family built a small temple on the site of the manifestation of the Lingam.

In February 2021, the opening ceremony of the temple took place, which was attended by several hundred people. The celebration began at sunrise and ended only in the late evening. The inauguration of the new Lord Shiva Temple marked a new stage in the development of Prema Sai Baba's mission. Jaya Lakshmi Amma attended the consecration of the temple.

Once a year, solemn ritual services and worship on the Lingam are performed in the temple. This unique Lingam continues to slowly grow, even now. Most likely, this process will stop, of which Prema Sai Baba already hinted at.

Every year on February 6, the anniversary of the founding of the miraculous Lord Shiva Temple, which was built by the devotees and relatives of Prema Sai Baba near the village of Bewur, is celebrated.

As I have already mentioned, this wonderful Lingam is located near the village where Prema Sai Baba's mother, Teja Mani, was born. There are several ancient Hindu temples in this area. On one hill is the temple complex of the god, Vishnu, and on the other hill is the temple of the god, Shiva.

Divine spirits live on the subtle plane in ancient temples. During important temple festivals, these spirits are possessed by some mediums who fall into deep trance states for several hours.

In my opinion, all spirits living in local temples are divided into several groups. The first group is spirits from the family of the god, Shiva. A separate group of spirits belong to the family of the god, Vishnu. And another group of spirits belongs to the goddess, Shakti.

I have repeatedly observed how during the rituals these spirits move into mediums, and each group of spirits has its own group of mediums. For example, the spirits from the family of the god, Shiva inhabit only their mediums, the spirits of the family of the god, Vishnu in theirs, and the spirits of the family of the goddess, Shakti in theirs.

Hinduism as a religious tradition is very diverse both in terms of numerous philosophical schools and levels of the tradition itself. There are six main schools of Vedantic philosophy (Sankhya, Yoga Shastra, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, Vedanta), three main schools of Vedanta (Advaita Vedanta, Vishishta-Advaita Vedanta, Dvaita Vedanta), as well as four main areas of yoga (Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Dhyana yoga, Jnana yoga).

In parallel with these high philosophical systems, there are many mystical traditions in Indian villages that formally belong to Hinduism but are more similar to shamanic practices of communicating with the spirits of nature.

In the vicinity of Doddamallur and Bewur there are a lot of forest altars associated with the veneration of the spirits of the fields and the jungle, as well asthe spirits of snakes.

Among the locals there are mediums (shamans) who practice communication with these various spirits. Such practices have nothing to do with the rituals performed by brahmins, Hindu priests. In fact, this is a parallel mystical culture that existed even before the Aryans brought the Vedas to India.

Let's get back to the story of the temple holidays in the village of Bewur, where the ancient temples of the god, Shiva and the god, Vishnu are located. During the rituals in the local ancient temples, it is interesting to watch the boy Prema Sai Baba, who always keeps his distance from the rituals in the village temples.

At the most important moments of the temple ceremonies, Prema Sai Baba may tell the devotees standing next to him to immediately approach the medium in a trance. At some moments, the divine presence of the god, Shiva becomes more intense.

Prema Sai Baba's recommendations like this show that he is in control of everything that happens. Behind his childish form is an omniscient and wise Avatar.

32. Not everyone will recognize and accept Prema Sai Baba

Some of the devotees of Sathya Sai Baba will not be able to recognize and accept Prema Sai Baba. It's a fact. Whether you like it or not, it's true. One can develop spiritually by concentrating exclusively on Sathya Sai Baba.

There are many spiritual seekers who follow the path of searching for truth, concentrating their attention on Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ. Some do not accept Avatars at all, arguing that God is the impersonal Absolute, beyond form and name.

In Vedic philosophy, impersonal consciousness or the Absolute is denoted by several terms, in particular Brahman or Atman. In Taoism, the ultimate reality is called Tao, which is the universal principle and impersonal consciousness.

If someone prefers to perceive the truth as Brahman, Atman or Tao, then for such people it is extremely difficult to accept and understand the possibility of the existence of the Avatar phenomenon.

Not all religious people and spiritual seekers in general are ready to imagine that God can incarnate among people. Looking at various sacred texts, we see that the Bible and the Koran, the Upanishads and the Buddhist sutras, the Brahma Sutra and the Tao Te Ching do not suggest, even on a theoretical level, that God can incarnate.

Any prophet, or even the Messiah is still not God, but a messenger from God. Studying such Vedic texts as Ramayana, Mahabharata and Bhagavatam, we see that the central idea of these texts is the story of God's incarnations on Earth.

Thus, there are many sacred texts that tell of the incarnation of God on Earth, and there are sacred texts of various religions that do not even theoretically allow the possibility that God can incarnate in human form.

All these reflections show not everyone is destined to recognize the phenomenon of the incarnation of God in the form of Prema Sai Baba, and this is completely normal. Each person must follow his own spiritual path; we are all different, and this is wonderful.

Some accept God as the supreme personality (Vishnu, Jehovah), and others as impersonal consciousness (Brahman, Atman, Tao). Some believe that God can personally incarnate among people (Rama Avatar, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Sathya Sai Baba), and others consider it impossible. Any point of view, and any approach is valid. Everyone realizes the truth in their own way.

Sathya Sai Baba said many times during his lifetime that not all devotees will be able to accept him in his next incarnation when he incarnates as Prema Sai Baba. This means the current situation is predicted by Sathya Sai Baba. Some accept Prema Sai Baba, and others deny it.

Unfortunately, those who cannot recognize Prema Sai Baba begin to criticize and deny the divine in him. The most important thing is to be careful and respectful, because criticizing God can accumulate very negative karma.

You can call someone a fraud and a liar, but what if that someone turns out to be the true incarnation of God? By the way, even in India, some gurus denied Sathya Sai Baba, calling him a deceiver.

How can you criticize God? You may not understand God's plan, but you should not criticize it. It is very difficult to understand so many candidates for Prema Sai Baba, but we must be willing to appreciate the many faces of God.

The most important thing is to open your spiritual heart and observe the events. It is important to respect the opinions and feelings of other Sai Baba followers.

In the past, there were many divine teachers on Earth, such as Krishna, Buddha and Jesus Christ. Modern spiritual practitioners can develop spiritually with the help of these eminent masters of the past.

Not everyone needs to accept Prema Sai Baba, it is possible to gain enlightenment by building a spiritual connection with Sathya Sai Baba, Krishna, Jesus Christ, and Buddha.

There are already many theories about what the life and mission of Prema Sai Baba will look like. There are many assumptions, but no one knows exactly how his life and work will look. How can you predict God?

There is speculation that Prema Sai Baba will be married and father two children. However, there are versions that he will not be married. If Prema Sai Baba is married, then who will be able to become his wife?

I am writing this book when he is eleven years old — a unique moment. I can testify about many events of his childhood, but everything that concerns his life at an older age is covered with a veil of mystery.

Where will his ashram be? Most likely between Bangalore and Mysore, in the state of Karnataka, in southern India. Some say Prema Sai Baba will not have an ashram at all, for he will be a completely unusual guru.

Today we, the people who live in the house of Prema Sai Baba, do not know of these outcomes or how he will develop in the future. We know and feel the great cosmic energies of the divine boy. It is already clear that Prema Sai Baba will be very different from his previous incarnation, Sathya Sai Baba.

Some people think that Prema Sai Baba will be a repetition of Sathya Sai Baba. This will definitely not be the case. This is the root of the error of many Sai devotees. That is why some cannot recognize him, because they expect a repetition of the lifestyle and appearance of Sathya Sai Baba, but this is impossible.

A new era has come, new realities and new vibrations at the global level. Those who expect Prema Sai Baba to be a copy of Sathya Sai Baba will simply never recognize him, because in this incarnation he is completely different.

There is speculation that Prema Sai Baba will behave in an unusual and eccentric way. Who knows, maybe he will ride a luxury motorcycle, or dance with friends at discos and nightclubs. How will you react to this?

What if Prema Sai Baba collects expensive cars? What if there are rumors about stories of love affairs and much more? Of course, we must understand that rumors are not facts.

There are predictions that Prema Sai Baba will constantly provoke his followers with his unusual behavior. Perhaps he himself will generate many strange assumptions and dubious suspicions about his lifestyle and behavior. Who knows?

33. Parents of God

Prema Sai Baba was born in the very south of India, in the state of Karnataka, in the village of Doddamallur. His parents belong to a family that for many generations worshiped the god, Shiva.

Prema Sai Baba's father's name is Mahesh, and he comes from the village of Doddamallur. Every Hindu family has a "main temple of the family", which family members regularly visit for many generations. The main temple of the Mahesh family (Prema Sai's father) is located near the city of Mysore.

The whole family makes a pilgrimage to this temple of Lord Shiva several times a year. I was lucky enough to visit this temple several times with Prema Sai Baba and his parents. Prema Sai Baba's mother's name is Teja Mani, she was born and raised in the village of Bewur, also in the state of Karnataka.

The Prema Sai Baba boy has been hosting visitors and followers in his home since the age of two and a half. Indian followers most often come for a couple of hours to see the divine child and receive blessings.

However, Russian devotees, and devotees from other countries, are more likely to come for a couple of weeks. There is no ashram yet, so there is no program on a daily basis. Sometimes devotees come to the house, or those who want to inquire. Prema Sai Baba’s Parents hospitably accepts everyone, regardless of the worldview of their visitors.

Big holidays are organized several times a year: Shivaratri (end of winter — beginning of spring), Prema Sai Baba's birthday (June 28), Guru Purnima (beginning or middle of July), Sathya Sai Baba's birthday (November 23). These festivals are organized by Jaya Lakshmi Amma, sometimes in Bangalore and sometimes in Doddamallur.

It is Jaya Lakshmi Amma who organizes all the rituals and feeding of the participants during the festivals, and Prema Sai Baba is present at the holidays, blessing those who come.

34. Education of God

Starting from 2020, the era of a global reset of human civilization has come, which will lead to the emergence of a new global financial and political system, the emergence of a new cultural environment and communication, and a new spiritual space at the universal human level.

In this difficult situation of global transition, it should be remembered that the most important component is the spiritual transformation of each person. The appearance of Prema Sai Baba is primarily associated with the birth of a new divine humanity.

Due to the lockdown, from the very beginning of 2020 to the middle of 2021, the boy Prema Sai Baba, like all Indian children, was at home and did not attend school; of course, sometimes classes were online. For most children, a break in normal education can be detrimental, but this was of good use to the divine boy.

It was a unique opportunity for temporary seclusion and a period when visitors did not come to the house of the holy family. Even for Hindus, it was not easy to move around the country, which gave Prema Sai Baba time in solitude and preparation for his worldwide mission. Life was secluded and calm.

Prema Sai Baba was “found” when he was two and a half years old. This great mission was carried out by yogis under the guidance of Mata Bijay Devi and Mata Tomba Devi from the Himalayan state of Manipur.

From the age of three, visitors flocked to see him from all over the world, most of all from different parts of India and Russia. During this difficult time of lockdown, I lived in India and worked for a company that allowed me and my wife to still visit the holy family.

In May 2022, ten-year-old Prema Sai Baba transferred to a new school. Prema Sai studied at the previous school from the age of three. I visited this school several times. To be honest, I always felt unenthusiastic about this particular educational institution. Teachers taught basic knowledge and sometimes applied a system of physical punishments to students, including Prema Sai Baba who received reprimands the same as the other children.

Many times, Jaya Lakshmi Amma sent her representatives to the school to explain the unsuitability of such behavior on the part of teachers. The teachers and the rector of the old school were well aware that "this" boy was Prema Sai Baba, but they blatantly ignored the situation.

There are no such situations at his new school. This is one of the best educational institutions with good teachers and a serious program. It has a very good environment, excellent teachers and rector.

The school was very happy when they learned that the boy Prema Sai Baba would study with them. Some of the instructors are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba and enthusiastically received the good news that one of their students would be Prema Sai Baba.

Does a divine child need to go to school and get a formal education? The Avatar is inherently perfect and possesses all the knowledge in the universe, however, some aspects of formal education are still necessary. For example, Rama Avatara and Krishna were educated in many disciplines such as the Vedic philosophy, arts and sciences of the time.

Ancient texts tell us about how the divine incarnations of past ages were trained by teachers. This can be read in such scriptures as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Bhagavatam.

The Prema Sai boy looks much older than his age. How to recognize divinity in a seemingly ordinary child? He plays with toys just like a normal child. Living in his house for a long time, I had the opportunity to carefully observe his behavior and some important divine manifestations.

In particular, his true divine nature manifests itself in the evenings before going to bed. It seems that before going to bed, he takes off the mask of an ordinary child and becomes himself.

It is during the evening hours that he tells us about his mission as Prema Sai Baba and talks about himself in the third person. Late in the evening, when everyone was asleep, he would sometimes talk about the significance of the three Sai Avatars.

Among the issues discussed were the future of human civilization, various levels of enlightenment, the mission of the Kalki Avatar and Mahavatar Babaji.

35. Madhusudan Sai

A very difficult element in the discussion about Prema Sai Baba is the activity of Madhusudan, who (as he claims) gained enlightenment as a result of the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba allegedly entering and being in him (in Madhusudan).

Madhusudan was born on July 26, 1979, in central India. Some of his relatives were devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, so his parents decided to send him to study at the university founded by Sathya Sai.

From the age of 17 (1996), young Madhusudan became a student at the University at Puttaparthi, which allowed him to be in constant close contact with Sathya Sai Baba. At university, he excelled in studies, regularly receiving gold medals and diplomas as the best student in such specialties as chemistry and management.

Immediately after the death of Sathya Sai Baba in 2011, Madhusudan developed his project at the ashram in the village of Muddenahalli, Karnataka. He claims he is preparing his ashram for the next incarnation of God on Earth — Prema Sai Baba.

From the very beginning, Madhusudan stated that the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba was not in the tomb at Puttaparthi. The subtle body of Sathya Sai allegedly left the tomb and "moved" to the ashram in Muddenahalli, where Madhusulan himself settled.

This allegedly happened in the summer of 2011, shortly after Sathya Sai Baba left his body in the spring of 2011. For several years, Madhusudan claimed that the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba was near him. On numerous occasions we saw an empty chair on which the invisible subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba allegedly sat.

Madhusudan stands nearby and voices what he supposedly hears as telepathic messages from this subtle body. I will not comment on this situation, because everyone has the right to relate to such events in accordance with their intuitive choice.

Later, Madhusudan stated that the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba had entered him and was now inside Madhusudan. Again, how to relate to this is the free choice of everyone.

What is the subtle body of God? How many subtle bodies does God have? Our assumptions about God are based largely on our knowledge of ourselves. According to the ancient tradition of Kriya Yoga, each person has three bodies: physical (sthula sharira), astral (sukshma sharira) and causal (karana sharira).

We see the physical body in wakefulness. The astral body is associated with energy. This body manifests itself in a dream and some types of meditation. The causal body is the body of information.

Such a structure of the inner mind of a person is classical. Adi Shankara wrote about this in his books in ancient times (in the philosophical work of Vivekachudamani), and in the 20th century, Pramahansa Yogananda wrote about this in his Autobiography of a Yogi.

Considering the structure of the inner world of man, we assume the inner structure of God is exactly the same. These assumptions are quite natural, since God created man in his own image and likeness. However, we should not forget the magnitude of God is infinitely greater than that of man.

In many ways, Madhusudan's activities are based on his alleged exclusivity. If we assume that God has only one subtle body and it was first near Madhusudan, and then entered inside him, then this creates an unprecedented situation. In this case, he becomes a Godman, the only one of his kind on Earth.

It is important to understand that God has an infinite number of subtle bodies. This means that even if we assume that one of these bodies is indeed inside Madhusudan, then a huge number of other subtle bodies of God can be anywhere, including inside you, my dear reader.

At the beginning of Mahdusudan's activity, I treated him very negatively and I do not want to hide it now. Over time, I slightly changed my attitude towards this person. At this point I am quite prepared to assume he is indeed in deep union with the Sai Consciousness. However, I want to reiterate that there is no exclusivity in his situation, because quite a few devotees in meditation have similar experiences.

There is another important point regarding the activities of Madhusudan. He tries to speak on behalf of God which is violation of the principle of direct communication between man and God, which was constantly proclaimed by Sathya Sai Baba. Madhusudan has become an intermediary for his followers in their communion with God, which is contrary to the founding principles of the Sai tradition.

If you have any question to God, then in accordance with the teachings of Sathya Sai Baba, each person should learn to independently be able to hear the answer in the depth of his personal prayer and meditation. Why is Madhusudan needed then? Perhaps it can be useful for those who are not able at the moment to establish a strong spiritual connection with Sai.

All these reflections, of course, are solely my opinion and cannot be considered as objective information. It is obvious that many people visiting the Madhusudan ashram receive amazing mystical experiences and insights. For a large number of people, he provides support on the spiritual path, which is undoubtedly good.

From the very beginning of his project in 2011, Madhusudan stated that all his activities are devoted to only one main issue, which is the preparation of the basis for the start of Prema Sai Baba's activities.

The question is who will Madhusudan choose as Prema Sai Baba, since there are several candidates in India right now? There is even an assumption that Madhusudan will proclaim himself as Prema Sai Baba, which is quite possible and logical.

If the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba is already inside Madhusudan, then it is this body that must be transformed into the new subtle body of Prema Sai Baba. Repeatedly, Madhusudan states that all three Sai Avatars are within him. This prepares the theoretical basis for him to proclaim himself as Prema Sai Baba. There is unofficial information that such opportunities are being discussed on the sidelines of his ashram.

Recently, Madhusudan stated that his task is to awaken the consciousness of Prema Sai Baba in every person. According to this version, every person is basically Prema Sai, which is absolutely true in its essence. All ancient scriptures, including the Vedas and the Bible, say that every person is basically divine, and even more than that, is made in the image of God.

The doctrine of unity and identity of the soul as God is extremely complex. The doctrine that everyone is God can be interpreted in many ways. Such approaches can give rise to the sly idea that Prema Sai Baba is only symbolic.

A situation may arise when the phenomenon of Prema Sai may begin to be interpreted as only impersonal consciousness, which can manifest itself in anyone and anywhere. Speaking about the three Sai Avatars, it should be remembered these are the three teachers of humanity who are quite physically manifested, and not just a philosophical fantasy.

In the context of my interactions with various gurus (both Eastern and Western), I heard the point of view that Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus Christ are not historical figures, but only symbols of higher enlightenment.

According to such views, no Krishna, Buddha or Jesus Christ ever lived on Earth. Stories about them were invented by someone as symbols and examples of the spiritual path. Naturally, I do not agree with this opinion; for me Krishna, Buddha, and Jesus Christ are real, historical personalities.

The theory that every person is Prema Sai Baba confuses the understanding of the Avatar phenomenon being the full incarnation of God on Earth.

According to the official version of Madhusudan, Prema Sai Baba should come to his ashram (Muddenahalli), after which Madhusudan himself should supposedly recognize him and start preparing him for a world mission.

However, in reality, Madhusudan already has a candidate whom he personally trains in secret from his followers. This candidate was born in Karnataka on November 27, 2011, a few months after Sathya Sai Baba passed away.

What is the prospect of this candidate at the moment is difficult to say. It is obvious to me that this boy has a very strong and bright energy. It is only known that this boy studied at one of the colleges on the outskirts of the city of Mandya. I prefer not to name the college; I will only say that this educational institution is controlled by Madhusudan himself. All college teachers know that this boy is a possible candidate for the position of Prema Sai Baba, but this information is kept strictly secret from others.

There is evidence that Madhusudan is well aware of the true Prema Sai Baba, who was born in the village of Doddamallur. I have repeatedly seen people who came to Doddamallur with the blessing of Madhusudan, but at the moment he refrains from official statements.

The activity of Madhusudan causes a serious discussion, some people idolize him, and some people criticize him. Among my friends, there are several people who regularly visit his ashram, having wonderful spiritual experiences. Again, I want to refrain from commenting, and leave it to everyone to make their own choice.

36. Difficult questions

To be honest, I had many doubts about the appropriateness of discussing crisis situations in the Sai tradition in the pages of this book. I think that an open discussion about difficult situations is important, because then we will be able to more effectively go through difficulties and overcome many crises.

Almost immediately after the passing of Sathya Sai Baba, conflicts and splits began among the leaders of the ashram and the international organization. Administrators of different levels could not agree among themselves.

The first major split came as a result of the activities of Madhusudan, which we discussed in the previous chapter. The leaders of the ashram in Puttaparthi have numerous philosophical and financial claims against Madhusudan. The conflict between the Puttaparthi Ashram and Madhusudan has led to a significant rift in the many millions of Sai devotees around the world.

The official position of the Ashram in Puttaparthi is that Sathya Sai's "subtle body" is not inside Madhusudan; in other words, he is a deceiver. The question arises as to how exactly the administrators of ashram in Puttaparthi can verify this?

Even if the ashram administrators hold a negative opinion about Madhusudan, it would be appropriate to respect the huge number of Sai devotees around the world who believe that the "subtle body" of Sathya Sai is still inside Madhusudan.

Some consider him a deceiver, and others perceive him as a great saint. I think it would be right to show culture and tolerance, recognizing the right of people to a personal point of view on such a complex issue.

It is not my job to discuss what is really going on. Whether Madhusudan is a saint, or a deceiver is an individual choice. It is about the elementary respect for alternative points of view.

One more problem is that the ashram in which Madhusudan lives (Muddenahalli), has gone out of the legal control of the ashram in Puttaparthi. Alas, this conflict has clear financial and legal foundations.

Another significant split was the division of the international organization of Sathya Sai Baba. This happened in 2022. Although the conflict itself began to mature immediately after the passing away of Sathya Sai Baba. As a result, two international organizations emerged. The first one is called Sri Sathya Sai International Organization. The second one is called Sri Sathya Sai Global Council.

The devotees of Sathya Sai Baba live in one hundred and forty countries of the world. According to some reports, at the time of Sathya Sai Baba's death, there were about two thousand centers around the world where followers regularly gathered and educational activities were carried out.

The split of the international organization of Sathya Sai Baba into two structures after his death caused a crisis among the followers. Now, in all countries of the world, two organizations function in parallel, which clearly contradicts the fundamental principles of spiritual unity, which were proclaimed by Sathya Sai Baba. Why did this happen? The reason, alas, is obvious — the ambitions of the leaders led to such an outcome.

Some readers may tell me, as the author, not to mention conflict situations. Wouldn't it be better to focus on the positive foundation of the Sai tradition? It was a difficult decision for me to include references to conflicts and divisions in the materials of this book.

If we openly analyze difficulties, then in the future we will gradually learn to overcome them. In addition, it is important for me to mention the crisis situations in the tradition, because the beginning of the mission of Prema Sai Baba takes place not only against the backdrop of world political crises, but also at a time of difficulties within the Sai tradition itself.

In my opinion, in this difficult situation, Sai devotees should show awareness, mutual respect, love and compassion, wisdom and unity. If administrators at various levels are unable to manifest the principles of spiritual leadership, millions of devotees from all over the world must do so. It is not enough to hang a portrait of Sathya Sai Baba on the wall — it is important to follow his teachings about unity and selfless service.

The tradition of Prema Sai Baba is now beginning to take shape, including his organization as a legal structure. The appearance of a legal structure around Prema Sai Baba is inevitable, because any spiritual tradition must be officially registered in order to develop in society.

We should consider both the positive and negative experiences of our predecessors. It seems to me the legal structure emerging around Prema Sai Baba should demonstrate a high culture of communication, respect for alternative opinions, and be the embodiment of the spirit of selfless service and unity.

The emerging tradition of Prema Sai Baba faces several difficult questions. How to interact with ashrams in Shirdi, Puttaparthi and Muddenahali? How to interact with parallel existing international Sathya Sai organizations? How to interact with other Prema Sai candidates and their organizations? In my opinion, the basis for our relations and communication should be mutual respect and the principle of tolerance.

37. Sathya Sai 96th Anniversary Celebration

In 2021, on November 23, an important event was celebrated — the 96th birthday of Sathya Sai Baba. According to Indian tradition, a newborn child is considered to be one year old. From the Western point of view, when a child is born, he is at the zero point, and in a year, he will be one year old. Therefore, according to Indian tradition, the 96th anniversary of Sathya Sai Baba falls in 2021, but according to Western standards it falls in 2022.

This date is very important for all Sai devotees, because all of his life Sathya Sai Baba predicted he would live exactly up to the age of 96 years.

As we know, he left his body twelve years before this date. Many devotees are trying to understand the significance of his early departure. Sathya Sai Baba himself explained why he needed to end his life earlier. He completed his mission and had to quickly reincarnate in his next form as Prema Sai Baba in order to start a new phase of his divine plan to transform humanity.

There is evidence that Sathya Sai Baba, a few years before his premature departure, told his close devotees he would leave the body earlier than planned. It is completely impossible for an ordinary person to "plan" their death, but for an Avatar it is completely natural.

Many devotees have been looking forward to this day, November 23, 2021, Sathya Sai Baba's 96th birthday. Some were preparing for some unknown grandiose events. In the year of 2021, a group of devotees arose who began to spread the idea that supposedly Sathya Sai Baba would physically resurrect on that day and continue his mission on Earth in an old body.

On that day, amazing events did happen in Puttaparthi, but they were not what many expected. There was a big flood in Puttaparthi. Fortunately, no one died, but half of the city was heavily flooded. That is why the full-scale holiday did not work out. It seemed that nature itself canceled the celebration in Puttaparthi (the main ashram of Sathya Sai Baba).

There was also no big holiday at the Madhusudan ashram; for unknown reasons, the administrators did not settle followers in the ashram. Thus, the main place of the festival moved to the city of Bangalore. In the holy presence of Prema Sai Baba, the main celebrations of the 96th birthday of Sathya Sai Baba took place.

38. Nalin, the incarnation of Swami Vivekananda

Contradictory information is given on Internet sites and in books about the predictions of Sathya Sai Baba and about his next incarnation as Prema Sai Baba. Let's look at one famous story that is directly related to the predictions about the coming of Prema Sai Baba.

In 1987, a young man from Sri Lanka, his name was Nalin, came to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba. During a personal interview, Sathya Sai Baba told the young man that in his past life he was the great saint, Swami Vivekananda (1863–1902).

For modern India, Swami Vivekananda is the most influential historical figure, both in terms of spiritual tradition and in terms of the political development of modern India. He was a great preacher of Vedic philosophy, one of the founders of modern comparative religion, and one of the ideologists of the Indian independence movement.

As soon as Sathya Sai Baba declared that the young man from Sri Lanka was the reincarnation of the great Swami Vivekananda, this instantly made a splash in the minds of all the inhabitants of the ashram. There is evidence that Nalin came to Puttaparthi several more times, but he was forced to do this in secret, as crowds of people dreamed of meeting him to receive spiritual instructions.

According to one hypothesis, Sathya Sai Baba was supposed to leave the body in 2021 at the age of 96, and Nalin was supposed to head the international organization of Sathya Sai Baba. Some thought he would become the interim leader of the tradition in Sai's physical absence. There are even those who tried to call him Sathya Sai Baba's assistant. It is difficult to imagine anyone becoming the leader of the Sai tradition, for every devotee has his own inner relationship with God.

According to the same assumption, Prema Sai Baba may be born in 2022 or 2023. Nalin will allegedly prepare the boy Prema Sai Baba for a worldwide mission. The inconsistency of this version is already clear, since Sathya Sai Baba left the body in 2011, and not in 2021. It is already clear that Nalin did not become the spiritual leader of the international Sai tradition.

By the will of fate, I did not meet with Nalin in Puttaparthi, therefore I cannot confirm the authenticity of the version itself that Sathya Sai Baba generally spoke such revelations about Nalin's past life.

I am telling the story of Nalin to show the wide variety of opinions and assumptions that began to form during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba. This is probably quite natural, since for many it was essential to understand what the transition from the era of Sathya Sai Baba to the new era of Prema Sai Baba would look like.

39. Amrita House, home of the nectar of immortality

Let's look at another version of how the transition to the era of Prema Sai Baba will take place. According to some devotees, Prema Sai Baba is supposed to be born in 2030 (8 years after 2022) near Mysore. The village in which he is supposed to be born is located on the banks of the sacred river, Kaveri. This village is located near the so-called Amrita House (the house of the nectar of immortality).

Amrita House is a small orphanage located on the banks of the Kaveri River, which flows through southern India. The founder of this orphanage and his entire family are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba. They built a large hall with an altar, on which images of Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba were installed. During major festivals, traditional Vedic worship rituals are held in this hall.

In the 1980s, Sathya Sai Baba blessed this orphanage and presented the headmaster's family with a pair of materialized medallions. At the same time, in the ‘80s, in some photographs of Sathya Sai Baba in this orphanage, sacred ash began to materialize, and on Amrit medallions, the nectar of immortality. That is why the people called this place Amrita House, the house of the nectar of immortality.

Unfortunately, the leaders of the orphanage quickly began to use this miracle in order to get more donations from visitors. Already in the mid-90s, Sathya Sai Baba declared he had taken his blessings from this place, and nothing would materialize there anymore. In a strange way, the materialization of sacred ash and nectar continued; alas, the reason is simple, falsifications began.

Instead of genuine materialized nectar, the administrators of the orphanage began distributing diluted honey. It is not my task to condemn this family, but this situation should be a lesson to all who receive special blessings from God. If at some point you begin to misuse the gift, then God may turn his back on you.

The history of Amrita House is also connected with Prema Sai Baba. When the divine boy was six years old, we drove with him in a car past Amrita House, I suggested we stop and visit this holy place. Naturally, it seemed to me this would be a historic visit by Prema Sai Baba to the orphanage that was founded with the blessing of Sathya Sai Baba.

Prema Sai Baba said this place was no longer a holy place, and he would not go there. How can a little boy know about this orphanage? How could six-year-old Prema Sai know that nothing has materialized there for a long time? How could a child come to understand that this orphanage has long been a place of deception? Of course, the administrators of this orphanage help the orphans, which is a wonderful service. However, the manipulation of miracles is an example of poor judgement by Sai devotees.

On the pages of this book, we consider many assumptions and versions, including the possible birth of Prema Sai next to Amrita House. Even if some versions are clearly not very real, it is important to remember about such hypotheses in order to more fully see the overall picture of the discussion around the topic of Prema Sai Baba.

40. Sri Kasturi

A common version in the context of Prema Sai Baba is that allegedly Sri Kasturi (1897–1987) in his next reincarnation will become the mother of Prema Sai Baba. This statement is attributed to Sathya Sai Baba himself, although the authenticity is doubtful.

Who is Sri Kasturi and why is he so important to the Sathya Sai Baba tradition? It is believed that Sri Kasturi first met Sathya Sai Baba in 1948. Then, Sri Kasturi was 51 years old, and Sathya Sai Baba was only 22 years old. In the mid-1950s, Sri Kasturi retired and moved entirely to Puttaparthi.

Sathya Sai Baba offered Sri Kasturi a job at the ashram, which began publishing a monthly magazine called Sanatana Sarathi. Sri Kasturi became the editor of the magazine, which at that time was the main official source of information about the activities of Sathya Sai Baba.

Sri Kasturi is the author of an amazing series of books Sathyam, Shivam, Sundaram, translated into many languages under the title Truth, Compassion, Beauty. This series of books is the most detailed biography of Sathya Sai Baba.

The first part of the book was published in the early 1960s and covered the first 34 years of Sathya Sai Baba's life. Sri Kasturi collected information for the book from various sources, including Sathya Sai Baba's father and brother, as well as teachers from the school where Sathya Sai Baba studied as a child.

The second part of the book was published in the late 1960s, and several more volumes of the series were published in the early 1980s. For many years Sri Kasturi was Sathya Sai Baba's secretary and closest assistant. It is difficult to say if anyone was closer to Sathya Sai Baba than Sri Kasturi. The life of Sri Kasturi is covered with legends, as he was a truly unique person and a great devotee of God.

Let's return to the story that Sri Kasturi will incarnate as a woman, in the next birth, and become the mother of Prema Sai Baba. How can one verify that Sri Kasturi really reincarnated as the mother of Prema Sai Baba? It is impossible to confirm or refute this prediction.

Is it possible that some of Sathya Sai Baba's predictions will not come true or have not come true? This is not possible for several reasons. First of all, all predictions are multifaceted, and it is not always possible to interpret them straightforwardly and unambiguously.

The mission of Sai is in constant development. Let's remember the situation when Sathya Sai Baba materialized a ring with the portrait of Prema Sai Baba and presented it to John Hislop.

In the beginning, the ring only had an approximate image of Prema Sai Baba, and only with time did his face begin to appear. Sathya Sai Baba explained that the form and face of Prema Sai Baba is in the process of being formed.

This means that many other predictions could subsequently change, including the version that Sri Kasturi will be reincarnated as the mother of Prema Sai Baba.

41. Common point of view

In 2019, a representative of the Ashram in Puttaparthi released a famous video in which he answered the question of one of the viewers about what the signs of the arrival of Prema Sai Baba would be.

I prefer not to give his name because he is a very respected person among the Sai devotees. I will refer to him in my narrative under the pseudonym, “Professor”.

The "Professor" is the author of several excellent books on the life and philosophy of Sathya Sai Baba. Undoubtedly, he is one of the most respected representatives of the tradition of Sathya Sai Baba.

In the physical absence of Sathya Sai Baba, there was an intellectual vacuum for a large number of followers. People were trying to find authoritative leaders in order to find spiritual support and core in their person.

In this situation, the "Professor" became a wise spiritual mentor for a considerable number of Sai followers, who was able to guide people in the right vector of development and search for truth.

The "Professor" was asked a question from one viewer: "What will be the signs of Prema Sai Baba's coming?”

The "Professor" made a short video in which he gave two answers to this difficult question.

1) The incarnation of Prema Sai Baba will be evident to all people, like the rising of the sun. When the sun shines in the sky, it is obvious to everyone that it is the sun; it shines in the sky, illuminating the Earth.

2) At the right moment, Prema Sai Baba will announce himself as an Avatar, then we will all know about his appearance.

Let's analyze these answers. Unfortunately, both answers are very naive and show the unwillingness of the "Professor" to accept many of the facts and predictions of Sathya Sai Baba himself.

The "Professor" said Prema Sai Baba's incarnation would be as obvious to everyone as the sunrise. “When the sun shines in the sky, it is obvious to everyone that this is the sun; it shines in the sky, illuminating the Earth.”

Alas, this is too naive a point of view, since in past ages we already had many examples when divine teachers and prophets were born on Earth, but only a few people were able to recognize them.

An example of this is the life of Krishna, Buddha and Jesus Christ. Even the divine mission of Sathya Sai Baba was far from obvious to everyone. Many gurus in India and around the world have denied the divine origin of Sathya Sai Baba. Therefore, the principle of "natural recognition" does not work.

The “Professor” in his video said that at the right moment Prema Sai Baba will announce himself as the Avatar and then we will all recognize him. This point of view is also very naive.

Already between 2018 and 2023 (when the material for this book was being collected) there were several candidates for Prema Sai Baba in different parts of India, and already, some of them had proclaimed themselves as Prema Sai Baba.

What does it mean to proclaim oneself an Avatar? Why is it important? There is a tradition that each Divine incarnation proclaims itself, thus marking the official beginning of its mission on Earth.

We know numerous stories of the proclamation of Krishna, which are described in the sacred texts (Mahabharata and Bhagavatam), as well as the proclamation of Jesus Christ, which are mentioned in the New Testament. Sathya Sai Baba and Shirdi Sai Baba proclaimed themselves in their youth.

The problem is that now (between 2018 and 2023) several young people have already proclaimed themselves as Prema Sai Baba. Some candidates have already established their own ashrams and hold public events.

For those who have realized the truth about Prema Sai Baba, the proclamation is only a bright and kind traditional ritual. Genuine devotees already know and realize who the real Prema Sai Baba is.

For those who deny Prema Sai Baba, even his official "proclamation" will mean nothing, because their hearts are unfortunately closed to the realization of this truth.

When the "Professor" naively said we need to wait for Prema Sai Baba to declare himself, then the obvious question arises — we already have several candidates who have declared themselves.

How can we deal with this situation? This means the proclamation is not enough. It is hard for me to imagine that the "Professor" does not know about the prophecy of Sathya Sai Baba and that he would be born a year after his death, in the village of Doddamallur.

Despite this, the "Professor" publicly continues to give evasive and unconvincing answers. The situation is really complicated, so let's respect alternative points of view. Let's respect each other and perceive the world of multivariance with open hearts, because everything that happens is the wise divine plan of the Creator.

I found it necessary to analyze the statements of such a respected "Professor", because his statements reflect a common position. Some followers try to distance themselves from any serious discussion about Prema Sai Baba.

Why are they afraid of a serious and open discussion about the appearance of Prema Sai Baba? Perhaps with time we will be able to understand this.

42. Prema Sai Baba from Tamil Nadu

The material in this chapter was published on the website of Prema Sai Baba from Tamil Nadu. I did not visit this candidate, although I saw many videos and even talked with his followers.

This young man, born in 2004, is one of the main and most famous candidates for today (2023) announced as the next incarnation of Sai Baba. In this case, we again see the example of a candidate who was born during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba, who died in 2011. This fact does not confuse the followers of this candidate.

People are clearly feeling powerful divine vibrations in the presence of this young man. Visitors to his ashram regularly witness manifestations of supernatural abilities, including the materialization of figurines of Hindu deities.

His birth name is Chidhanandh, and he was born in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu. As a child, the boy went to a local school, like other village children. Since childhood, the child was interested in spending free time with cows, birds and other animals, taking care of them.

His father and mother are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba, so the boy often visited the ashram in Puttaparthi. One fine morning, he and his family saw an incredible miracle that happened in his house. Sacred ash from photographs of Sathya Sai Baba materialized throughout the house.

From that day on, it began to happen very often, almost every day. They were shocked and delighted to see what was happening. For some reason, the family decided to keep this miracle a secret.

When Chidhanandh was 15 years old, his parents noticed some unusual things happening in his behavior, as well as manifestations of high divine states. One day the boy told his parents that he was not interested in going to school because he had a different mission. His parents were worried, and they tried to send him to school anyway.

A few months later, Chidhanandh asked his parents to organize bhajans, pujas and arati (traditional Hindu ceremonies) every day at home. His parents took this request seriously and began organizing daily spiritual programs at home.

A year later, Chidhanandh began to perform miracles, such as the materialization of rosaries, statues of gods and goddesses, the materialization of sacred ash, and much more. His parents began talking about these events to neighbors and relatives. Gradually, people began to visit the house and see the manifestation of the miraculous power of the young man. He declared he is the next incarnation of God on Earth; that is, Prema Sai Baba.

Sometime later, this candidate decided to turn his parents' house into an ashram and serve the people. He asked his parents to build temples on their farm and said the area would become an ashram in the near future called Rattaparthi.

The young man also mentioned that in the future there will be a big ashram in Rattaparthi and many social projects, a school, a college, a medical facility and public institutions that will be gradually opened here to ensure the well-being and improve people's lives.

The worldview of this candidate is to improve the psychological and physical health of people, and to help to educate the poor and needy around the world.

Now, his ashram is a very beautiful garden, consisting of a large number of trees, plants and agricultural fields. There are several small temples inside the ashram, such as the temple of the god, Ganesha built next to the main entrance to the ashram. Inside that temple is another beautiful statue of the god, Ganesha, near the beautiful temple of the god, Sai-Murugan.

The ashram has a small temple of the god, Krishna, whose statue is presented with Gomata, the divine cow. These temples are great places for individual prayer and meditation.

A small canal called Premanadhi flows close to the ashram grounds and is one of the places where this candidate prefers to perform miracles in front of his devotees, including the materialization of sacred ash and statues of Hindu gods.

This candidate said that another Shiva temple will be built in the near future, and a large meeting hall for devotees will be built very soon. Soon a primary school and a primary health care center for those in need will open in Rattaparthi. In general, his predictions point to the supposed significant growth of his ashram and the tradition that is now rapidly developing around him.

This candidate emphasizes that his ashram should not be called a community, but rather a more appropriate word would be a "non-religious organization" aimed at social service. People belonging to different religions and traditions can come to this ashram — the doors are hospitably open to everyone.

Among the predictions of Sathya Sai Baba himself, it never sounded that he might reincarnate in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu; almost all predictions point to the state of Karnataka.

Let us once again emphasize the time of birth of this candidate, which is 2004. That is during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba. For the followers of this candidate, all these contradictions are irrelevant, since they reasonably say there are no limits for God.

The material of this chapter describes the story of one of the candidates. Everyone can independently decide whether or not to accept this young man as Prema Sai Baba. His energy is very strong and the miracles he performs are amazing.

It is interesting that the parents of this young man are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba; naturally they, like many others, expected the arrival of Prema Sai Baba. At some point, all sorts of miracles began to happen in their blessed home. Gradually, it became clear, to everyone, that miracles happen through their son.

At that moment, the idea arose that the young man was the long-awaited Prema Sai Baba. I think this is a dangerous trend, because God can work miracles through anyone, but that doesn't mean that everyone should proclaim themselves Prema Sai Baba.

The candidate from Tamil Nadu makes a very bright impression on me, but there is little chance that he is the real incarnation of Prema Sai Baba. He wants too much to appear as an incarnation of Sathya Sai Baba.

With his appearance and movements, he strives in every possible way to resemble Sathya Sai Baba. Many candidates, including this young man, build their image by imitating Sathya Sai Baba. Therein lies the problem — Sai Baba's "Prema” is not a repetition of Sathya Sai Baba, as some would expect.

The Prema Sai Baba is the next stage in the development of God's mission on Earth. In his previous incarnations, he had a different style of preaching and interaction with people.

In his current incarnation, he is different from previous manifestations of divinity because it is a new age with new challenges. The real Prema Sai Baba is himself — he does not strive to be what others want him to be.

43. The mysterious village of Gunaparthi

Several times, Sathya Sai Baba said his next incarnation would be in the village of Gunaparthi, while at the same time, saying the place of his next incarnation would be the village of Doddamallur, which is located in the south of India in the state of Karnataka.

Let's take a look at these two locations — Gunaparthi and Doddamallur. Is there any contradiction in Sathya Sai Baba's pointing out two possible places for his next birth? Let's understand and analyze the situation.

One of the candidates was born in Calcutta (or near Calcutta), in eastern India. His date of birth is 2004 or 2005. Once again, we see a candidate who was born during the lifetime of Sathya Sai Baba.

There are Sai devotees who, after carefully studying Sathya Sai Baba's many lectures, found he spoke about a special descent of the highest divinity precisely in the period of 2004 and 2005.

As of today (2023), we have at least two candidates born at this time. One in Tamil Nadu (South India) and the other in Calcutta (East India). There is information that another candidate, born at that time, lives in the state of Maharashtra.

There is an assumption there is a village near Calcutta called Adi-Gunaparthi. Several Sai devotees who support Prema Sai Baba's birth near Calcutta try to claim their candidate was born in the village of Adi-Gunaparthi.

The candidate who was born in Calcutta is called Shakti. He was born in the Brahmin caste of Hindu priests. It is known his parents are not very happy that Prema Sai Baba may have been born in their family. It is difficult to say why the boy's parents have had such a strange reaction.

Perhaps the parents do not want their son to have increased attention. There are reports the parents of this candidate suggest if their son supports the hypothesis that he is Prema Sai Baba, then this may spoil the fate of the young man. Of course, the opinion of the parents may change, but for now it is clear they do not believe in this hypothesis, so they’re trying to protect their son from the wrong path.

First of all, let's pay attention to the fact that the name of the village Adi-Gunaparthi is similar to the name of Gunaparthi; however, they are still two different names. My personal interactions with some of this candidate's followers have led me to feel they are trying to invent the story of their candidate's birth in the village of Adi-Gunaparthi, when, in fact, it is most likely not the case.

All information about the candidate from Calcutta indicates the young man is not very inclined to proclaim himself as Prema Sai Baba. Already now a small group of followers have arisen who are eager to spread the word this young man is Prema Sai Baba.

Let's see how events develop. Right now, the young man has absolutely no desire to talk about himself as Prema Sai Baba. In most cases, Sathya Sai Baba predicted his birth in the state of Karnataka in southern India. However, there were several cases in the late 90s when he personally told devotees from India, Germany and Russia that he might be reincarnated as Prema Sai Baba in the east of India, in the city of Calcutta.

Even during the life of Sathya Sai Baba, many people wanted to find the village of Gunaparthi on the map of India. It turned out that such a village does not exist. Strange. How can this be?

When the devotees asked Sathya Sai Baba about the village of Gunaparthi, he said there is no such village in India yet. “Soon,” said Sathya Sai Baba, “the village of Gunaparthi will appear, and this will happen after the birth of Prema Sai Baba.”

Some perceive this situation as a contradiction, but there is no contradiction here. Why did Sathya Sai Baba sometimes name two different villages, Doddamallur and Gunaparthi, as the supposed place of his next birth? It is difficult to say, most likely there is deep symbolism hidden here, which may only be revealed in time.

Doddamallur is a small village. It is here where the ancient Vishnu temple is located, which is called the temple of Aprameya Swami. According to legend, this place of worship is about twenty thousand years old. Rama Avatar visited this temple many thousands of years ago. Of course, temple buildings were erected much later.

There is a version that when Prema Sai Baba proclaims himself, he will build his ashram in the new part of the village of Doddamallur. Perhaps that is when the new part of the village will be called Gunaparthi. Of course, now we cannot say anything — all of this is just speculation.

Sathya Sai Baba mentioned two places as the place of his next birth — Gunaparthi and Doddamallur. A village called Gunaparthi does not yet exist (with the exception of the village of Adi-Gunaparthi near Kolkata). The village of Doddamallur is located in the state of Karnataka, in southern India.

Is it possible to rename the village of Doddamallur to Gunaparthi? This is not likely, because it is an ancient pilgrimage center. And what about the prediction? Interestingly, when Prema Sai Baba was six years old, the family moved to the outskirts of the village of Doddamallur.

There is a version according to which Prema Sai Baba will proclaim himself at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Most likely, he will build his first ashram right on the outskirts of Doddamallur, where there are now agricultural fields. It is this part of the village of Doddamallur that will probably be renamed Gunaparthi, and the historical part of the village will remain under the old name.

Perhaps, Prema Sai will build his first ashram near the village of Doddamallur and call this place Gunaparthi; who knows, everything is in the hands of God.

There are many suggestions as to where Prema Sai Baba might establish his ashram. Some suggest it may be near the ancient city of Mysore, and possibly near the city of Mandya. All these versions point to the South Indian state of Karnataka.

Obviously, one of the main versions about the place of the future ashram is the native village of Doddamallur. Sathya Sai Baba came to Prema Sai's father, Mahesh, in a dream and told him that Prema Sai's ashram would be in Doddamallur. Recently I heard another interesting version that Prema Sai Baba will not have an ashram at all, and that he will just live in his own house.

What is already quite obvious is that Prema Sai Baba will be very extraordinary in many of his appearances. I do not rule out there may be no ashram in his activities at all, at least in the traditional sense of the concept.

The interesting thing is we still don't know how it will actually be. It will be interesting for future generations to read this material in order to imagine what versions and conjectures were in Prema Sai Baba's childhood about what his mission might look like.

Until the divine boy proclaims himself, he lives in his parents' house in the village of Doddamallur and goes to a regular school. Of course, everyone in the district knows this boy is the embodiment of God on Earth. Some of the locals already believe in it and some of them deny it; for the majority, frankly speaking, they just don't care.

44. Global transformation

I remind you, my dear readers, this book was written when Prema Sai Baba was ten and a half years old, and many of the circumstances of his life still existed in the form of predictions and assumptions. When people read these lines in the future, perhaps many assumptions and predictions will seem ridiculous and naive. My task is to record for future generations all the versions and assumptions we have now.

2020 was full of unexpected crises and trials related to the coronavirus, which spread around the world. The traditional and habitual foundations of society were changing, and in 2022 even more significant international crises began.

Of course, some wonder what role the Sai Avatars should play in these processes. Sathya Sai Baba left his body in 2011 and Prema Sai Baba is just starting his mission. Nevertheless, Sathya Sai Baba continues to bless his devotees even after his departure.

In the absence of a physical form, there is no possibility of direct communication or conversation on the physical plane. How great it would be in these difficult situations to ask Sathya Sai Baba questions and receive wise instructions.

Globally, the events unfolding today are a great transformation of humanity as it enters a new stage in its development. Spiritual values and meditation practices are beginning to play an increasing role in people's lives.

It is becoming clear to many that the events taking place are beginning to resemble the Apocalypse, which means it’s time to seriously consider the frailty of this life and eternal divine treasures, such as, love for one's neighbor, and compassion and respect for all living things.

45. One sun and many rays

Now in 2023 there are several candidates claiming to be Prema Sai Baba. Half of them are already teenagers or young men, about whom there is information in open sources. Half of the candidates are newborn babies, about whom nothing is known for certain, so there’s a chance the information about them is someone's fantasy.

Some even ask about the possibility of Prema Sai Baba's birth outside of India, for example, in Europe, America or Russia. Hypothetically, this may well be, because the incarnation of God is a universal phenomenon.

Of course, we have several sayings by Sathya Sai Baba that an Avatar can only incarnate in India, since the cultural environment of this country is most suitable for the birth of an Avatar and the development of his mission.

What if, over time, there will be even more candidates? How is this possible? How can you know who is real? Can Sai consciousness incarnate simultaneously in many bodies? Why did God need to manifest himself through many forms? Over time, I think we will get answers to these difficult questions.

It can be assumed that some of the candidates are ordinary scammers or mentally ill people. However, some of them still have great spiritual powers, clairvoyance and healing abilities. It can be assumed that God can manifest himself not in one, but in several bodies at once.

Prema Sai Baba incarnated in all his divine fullness in the village of Doddamallur. However, other candidates may well be aspects of divinity. They develop their traditions, build ashrams and attract many followers.

Most likely in the near future there will be several ashrams of Prema Sai Baba all over India, where different groups of devotees will gather. This is the game of the Lord God.

The incarnation of God is an event that is relevant to absolutely every person, regardless of which religious or esoteric tradition they reside in. To be honest, I was among those who, during the life of Sathya Sai Baba, said there would be several candidates for Prema Sai Baba; so the current situation does not surprise me.

Intuitively, it always seemed the next coming of God would be accompanied by the appearance of many candidates. Prema Sai was discovered by two saints from the Himalayas named Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi (Manipur State).

These two saints, whilst in deep meditation, received instructions from Sathya Sai Baba and were able to locate the child when he was only two and a half years old. Devotees from the state of Manipur told me that even when Prema Sai Baba was in the womb at the beginning of 2012, Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi already knew about it.

When the divine child was born and drank his mother's milk for the first time, the Himalayan holy women saw this in their meditations. It was only when Prema Sai Baba was two and a half years old that a message was received from the subtle plane that it was time to start searching for him.

Immediately after the divine boy was found, another saint came to Doddamallur, whose name is Jaya Lakshmi Amma. Many Indian and European esotericists and spiritual teachers have already recognized this child as the incarnation of God on Earth.

Now many spiritual teachers prefer to maintain respectful silence, for the child should grow up quietly. If Prema Sai Baba is still a child, then is it right to give open information about him? Yes, it is, because that's his will. Information about Prema Sai Baba is given very carefully to the general public

Back in 2018, I learned about three applicants, and then the number grew to five, and then seven. Now I've lost count. I think there are about a dozen candidates now.

We only have information on some candidates because not all of them want to openly publish details about themselves on the Internet. About some candidates we have only rumors, and no details. Some candidates are already teenagers or young adults and you can see their photos and videos on the Internet. Some candidates have even begun to build their own ashrams and organize public meetings.

There are several candidates, who at the moment are only newborns, although rumors about them are already spreading. When I talk about a dozen candidates, half of them are just babies at the moment, and all we know about them is only fragmentary rumors. Already, there are groups of followers around these babies who carefully guard any leak of information.

Everyone must decide for themselves how to respond to the current situation. Some firmly deny all candidates. Some devotees start supporting their candidate. Unfortunately, this leads to intellectual conflicts. Various groups of devotees begin to defend their position, accusing other devotees of cheating. It is obvious quite a few Sai devotees prefer to distance themselves from this discussion altogether.

The suggestion that Prema Sai Baba's consciousness could manifest in several bodies looks a bit Buddhist. We know that knowledge about reincarnation appeared in the context of Vedic Hinduism; however, this knowledge was most thoroughly developed and formulated in the context of Buddhism, primarily Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.

For the Buddhist tradition, there is no doubt that consciousness does not have a strict separate existence, which in Sanskrit is called Anatma. This most important term provides the key to understanding that a separately existing consciousness is a flow of energy and information, which is interconnected with other energy-informational flows in the universe.

These streams of consciousness do not have a strict separation of their existence as they can pass from body to body in a variety of ways. In accordance with this teaching, after death, the consciousness of any person can hypothetically reincarnate into several bodies.

46. Stages of the great awakening

Is an Avatar born perfectly perfect? Is it possible that the Avatar also goes through the path of spiritual development? I think the Avatar is born perfect from the start. Most likely, the Avatar goes through the path of gradual disclosure of his potentials, which he initially possesses.

The Avatar gradually reveals his spiritual and energy potentials. He has no transformation and development; he is originally and eternally perfect. What is happening is the gradual inclusion of infinite potential.

Some suggest that the boy Prema Sai Baba at some point should gain enlightenment or receive some special knowledge, and others say that the Divine Spirit should descend upon him.

I respect all points of view on such a complex issue. However, it is quite obvious to me enlightenment can and should be received by those who are not originally enlightened.

Enlightenment is received by one who is in a state of ignorance. How can one talk about the enlightenment of God? The only thing worth talking about is that the Avatar is gradually revealing its true greatness.

We can note some of the most important milestones in the development of Prema Sai Baba's mission to date (2023). On June 28, 2012, he was born in the village of Doddamallur. On April 12, 2015, he was discovered and identified by a group of devotees from the Himalayan state of Manipur.

Beginning in 2015, the first devotees began to come to Prema Sai Baba's house to receive his blessings. In fact, it was from this moment that Prema Sai Baba's open public activity began. Many people learned about him and felt his divinity and power.

There was nothing of this kind in the biography of Sathya Sai Baba. He was an ordinary child for those around him until his proclamation at the age of thirteen. The situation with Prema Sai Baba is different. In fact, his open mission began already at the age of two and a half years, from April 12, 2015.

In 2019, Prema Sai Baba's enormous energy forces were revealed, and this happened in three stages: June 28th, July 4th, July 16th. In 2019, the boy Prema Sai turned seven years old.

So, what happened on these three dates, the end of June and July 2019? First of all, you can describe "it" as a significant increase in energy strength. June 28, 2019, is the birthday of Prema Sai Baba, who is celebrated in his home village, Doddamallur.

In the period from 2016 to 2019, several hundred people usually gathered for the celebration. The 2019 birthday celebration was special because it was marked by a significant change on the vibrational level, although outwardly the celebration program was the same as in the previous few years.

On July 4, 2019, Prema Sai Baba's initiation into the Gayatri mantra took place in the city of Bangalore. This important ritual was performed by Jaya Lakshmi Amma along with several Brahmins. The event was also attended by several hundred people.

Now it is difficult for us to realize the full importance of this event. Gayatri mantra is the most famous mantra of the Vedic tradition, in which all the spiritual power and philosophical significance of the Vedic sacred texts are located.

Receiving initiation into the Gayatri mantra is the most important moment in the life of a Hindu child as this is the second birth from the Spirit. After this ritual, a person is called "twice-born". Initiation into the Gayatri Mantra is a ritual of spiritual coming of age. As a rule, the initiation ceremony takes place between the ages of seven and sixteen. Traditionally, such initiations are given to boys from the Brahmin caste of Hindu clerics.

We also see the doctrine of the “second birth” from the Spirit in Christianity. Jesus Christ spoke about the second birth from the Spirit, which occurs as a result of the ritual of baptism.

Many question the need for an Avatar to receive such an initiation. Why initiate God if he is the source of all knowledge and all traditions? Historically, we know that in ancient times the Rama Avatar also received initiation into the Gayatri mantra from the Himalayan sages.

Krishna also received training from his gurus as described in the Bhagavatam. Thus, we already have historical examples that even an Avatar should receive initiation into spiritual practices. Thus, divine teachers set an example that teacher-student continuity is the basis for the transfer of knowledge and practices on the path of spiritual self-development.

We also have the example of Jesus Christ, who received initiation, baptism, from his teacher, John the Baptist. This is an example of how the Avatar (Messiah) gives an example to other people about the importance of the sacral initiation ceremony.

The difficulty of this situation lies in the fact that Prema Sai Baba was born in the Gouda caste, the caste of farmers. The question arises as to how the initiation ceremony took place?

The biological parents of the boy are Mahesh Kumar (father) and Teja Mani (mother). During his initiation, the divine boy received spiritual parents, Jaya Lakshmi Amma and her husband. Thus, Prema Sai Baba passed from the Gouda caste to the Brahmin caste.

During this initiation, there was a descent of a colossal divine current. Interestingly, after the completion of the ritual, when the boy Prema Sai Baba stopped sitting on the throne, many of those present stopped treating him as special.

This is the essence of human perception — that if someone sits on the throne, he is given respect. One has only to step down from the throne and the importance and solemnity of the moment are immediately lost on the majority.

It was interesting for me to observe this situation. As the boy sat on the throne, everyone present bowed before him with reverence. As soon as he left the stage and started walking freely and informally among those present, most of the participants in the ritual immediately ceased to treat him with respect.

I describe these details so you can imagine this event as realistically as possible, of course it is also important to reflect on how you behave in such situations. During the ritual of initiation into the Gayatri mantra, Prema Sai Baba was completely transformed. It was a great spiritual experience. On that day, it seemed that something important happened affecting the being of the entire cosmos.

July 16, 2019 — Guru Purnima festival, the festival of "all gurus". This celebration also took place in the city of Bangalore, which was attended by many people.

Prema Sai Baba attended this event, again. I felt this festival completed some great process of transition to the new state of being. What began on June 28th reached its climax on July 4th and was completed on July 16th.

I was fortunate to witness these amazing events directly. I think these three dates in 2019 are historical events in the development of Prema Sai Baba's worldwide spiritual mission.

47. Proclamation on the subtle plane

Starting from the end of 2022, a new phase of Prema Sai Baba's mission began. In December, we went on an important trip to the Himalayan state of Manipur to visit the very people who found him in 2015.

At the end of November, the parents of the divine boy told me and my wife, Svetlana, there would be a small vacation at the end of December. Naturally, my wife immediately had the idea to go with Prema Sai Baba on vacation to some interesting place. I sat next to Prema Sai Baba and watched the conversation carefully.

From the very beginning it was clear the divine boy had some kind of secret plan, but at first, he pretended to be thinking about a trip to perhaps Thailand, Malaysia or Singapore. Finally, unexpectedly, he announced he wanted to go to Manipur, to the ashram of Mata Bijay Devi and Mata Tomba Devi.

We stayed in this unique place for about a week. This was Prema Sai Baba's second historic visit to Manipur. The first was in May 2015, immediately after the child was identified as Prema Sai Baba.

The location of the ashram is a great place of power. It is a mountainside on top of which there is an ancient temple. Since the ashram is very poor, there are only a few buildings there, one of which is a small house for Prema Sai Baba, and next to it another small house where my wife and I settled.

In the center of the ashram is a large shed with a clay floor — this is a temple where daily activities take place. When you are in this temple, it becomes clear the true temple is not physical gold and marble, but the Spirit of God.

Mata Bijaya Devi and Mata Tomba Devi are the spiritual guides of the ashram. About twenty people permanently live in the ashram, and about a hundred more people live not far from the ashram and regularly take part in spiritual programs of traditional Vedic rituals of worship on Sathya Sai Baba.

A couple of weeks before the trip, I had several mystical dreams in which Sathya Sai Baba visited me and informed me that during the trip to Manipur, thedivine boy could "proclaim" himself.

At the same time, a couple of weeks before our visit, the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba entered Mata Bijaya Devi several times and informed the residents of the ashram that when the boy Prema Sai Baba arrived, something very important would happen.

While at the ashram, on one particular afternoon, bhajans (traditional Vedic chanting of the gods) began as usual. The program began at one in the afternoon, and around four in the afternoon a unique event began to take place.

More than one hundred people were present at the ashram that day, and everyone was singing bhajans with inspiration. At some point, almost all those present felt that the boy Prema Sai Baba sitting with his mouth closed, was silently transmitting some kind of telepathic message. It became clear he was "proclaiming" himself in such an unusual way.

Everyone present began to look at each other. There was a common feeling that something important was happening in the ashram. Traditionally, the "proclamation" must take place physically. It is believed the Avatar must say quite physically that he is an incarnation of Sai.

The phenomenon of the "declaration" is completely mysterious. Alas, modern people are used to the fact that their words mean nothing. People make a lot of promises every day and then they don't keep them. In our era, the power of words is practically lost, which is why we are accustomed everywhere to confirm our intentions with a signature and additional documents.

The Word of God is always absolute, eternal and true. This is the basis of the phenomenon of "declaration". When the divine boy declares he is a divine incarnation, his word is the evidence and no other proof is needed; such is the power of God's Word.

Let's get back to the story of the events in Manipur that took place on December 28, 2022. By evening, Mata Bijaya Devi, Mata Tomba Devi, the five main residents of the ashram, and I had gathered for a meeting to discuss everything that had happened that day.

We sat in the temple and discussed the events of the day. Several important questions arose. What actually happened? How to react to it? How to understand what happened? What should we do next? During our meeting, the subtle body of Sathya Sai Baba re-entered Mata Bijaya Devi, and we received the message that the "proclamation" on the subtle plane had indeed taken place.

Interestingly, quite a few devotees from both India and Russia felt that something unique had happened in the context of Prema Sai's mission. Therefore, many people immediately began to send me questions and stories about their mystical experiences.

People wrote to me the same day that they felt something special. Many realized that these mystical experiences were connected with Prema Sai Baba but could not understand the meaning of what was happening.

The next morning, we approached the boy Prema Sai Baba and asked him to comment on everything that had happened. In response to our questions, the then ten-year-old, Prema Sai Baba, confirmed that on the subtle plane, the “proclamation” really happened, but that it concerns only close devotees who are already feeling it.

For the whole world, the "proclamation" will come later and only then will Prema Sai Baba's official mission on Earth begin. We now call this the “declaration on the subtle plane”.

As of today (2023), there are five most important dates in the development of the Prema Sai Baba tradition.

1) June 28, 2012, the day of the apparition when the divine boy was born.

2) April 12, 2015, the day when he was identified as a divine incarnation. He was then two and a half years old.

3) July 4, 2019, the day there was an initiation into the Gayatri mantra. Then he was seven years old.

4) December 28, 2023, the day of "proclamation" on the subtle plane. Then the divine boy was ten and a half years old.

5) June 18, 2023, the first Darshan in an orange robe, he was almost eleven years old (more on that in the next chapter).

48. First Darshan in orange robe

On June 18, 2023, ten days before Prema Sai Baba's birthday, Vadim Evseev, a devotee from Russia who regularly visits the divine boy, brought Sathya Sai Baba's orange robe with him. Vadim received this robe as a gift from Madhusudan.

What is a Sathya Sai robe and how could Vadim have it? The robe is the orange garment worn by Sathya Sai Baba. In any photo or video, we see him in these clothes. Of course, he could sometimes wear not only orange robes, but robes of other colors — red, yellow and white.

Sathya Sai Baba changed robes every day and sometimes twice a day. Subsequently, he could distribute these robes as a gift to some devotees. Among my acquaintances there are several people who have a real robe of Sathya Sai Baba.

On June 18, 2023, the boy Prema Sai Baba put on the orange robe for the first time, which Vadim presented to him that day. The idea to present the divine boy with Sathya Sai Baba's robe came to Vadim rather spontaneously. Vadim wasn't sure how the Prema Sai boy would react to the attempt to give him an orange robe.

To Vadim's pleasant surprise, seeing the orange robe, Prema Sai immediately decided to put it on. It was an amazing event with about twenty devotees from Russia present. None of those present expected such a development of events.

It was a truly historic moment. For an hour the boy Prema Sai Baba gave Darshan at his home dressed in Sathya Sai Baba's orange robe.

During this event, devotees were given the opportunity to do Padanamaskar (touching Sai's lotus feet). He blessed each devotee present by anointing their foreheads with sacred ashes while giving personal blessings. It is impossible to convey in words the power of the divine energy that descended on those present.

The day before the first Darshan in the orange robe, there was another interesting event that took place. Ivan Bessonov lives in Moscow. Every Saturday on the outskirts of the city, in the territory of a private park, he holds fire ceremonies (Yagna).

Ivan Bessonov conducts this special Vedic ritual together with a group of Sai devotees. The main deity of this fiery ceremony is the goddess, Kali. Several sacred artifacts are installed on the altar, including three stone lingams miraculously found in one of the places of power in the Ugra reserve (Kaluga region).

As a result of the mystical message received by Ivan in the spring of 2023, he and his friend Andrey Dubovitsky went to the Kaluga region, where these three Lingams were found in the deepest part of the forest. This story is unique because Ivan received information about the whereabouts of the Lingams while in a deep meditative state.

In subsequent mystical messages from the subtle plane, an indication was given to perform a special fire ceremony every Saturday to worship the goddess, Kali and a fire ceremony to the god, Shiva.

Mrs. Valentina, who had visited Puttaparthi several times during Sathya Sai Baba's lifetime, brought an orange robe to the fire ceremony, which she received as a gift from Sathya Sai Baba personally.

At the end of the ceremony, my wife Svetlana made a video call, as a result of which Prema Sai Baba saw the completion of this ritual on the outskirts of Moscow and blessed all the participants. During this video call, the divine boy saw that Sathya Sai Baba's orange robe was on the altar. Ivan with a group performs this ceremony every Saturday.

The next day, Sunday, Vadim presented Prema Sai Baba with exactly the same orange robe as a gift. The divine boy immediately decided to accept this gift and give everyone present special blessings by wearing the robe.

What is so special about the Prema Sai boy wearing an orange robe? The symbolism of this action is enormous. This was the first time the divine boy blessed the devotees in this special sacred dress.

After finishing the evening program, the boy Prema Sai Baba took off his orange robe and placed it carefully on a shelf in my room. The divine boy strictly forbade anyone to touch the robe. He also forbade other people to even look at it.

The second Darshan in the orange robe Prema Sai Baba gave was on the evening of June 28, 2023, during the evening program dedicated to the celebration of his birthday.

49. Open your spiritual heart

When the boy Prema Sai Baba was between three and eleven years old, he was visited by several hundred Russian devotees as well as devotees from other countries. Already, a large number of people around the world consider him the incarnation of God.

There is now a discussion about how to understand who Prema Sai Baba is. For those people who strongly deny Prema Sai Baba, I advise you to be more careful, because out of ignorance you can start denying God.

If you still do not feel an inner spiritual connection with Prema Sai Baba, continue to live a righteous and honest life by practicing meditation and prayer. We must learn to respect each other and accept that different people may have different views and opinions about God and Truth.

A certain boy was born in the South Indian ancient city of Doddamallur in 2012. How can we be sure that this particular boy is Prema Sai Baba? Logical proofs are useless and cannot help. Logic, reason and mind cannot understand God. Logic cannot prove or disprove that he is the divine incarnation. Only the spiritual hearts of devotees can feel the Divine presence.

The essence of the message of Sathya Sai Baba is the awakening of the spiritual hearts of people, the manifestation of love and compassion, and service to people and society.

Ancient texts help us understand some of the processes taking place in our era. The events of history are repeated in a circle. What happened in ancient times sometimes happens exactly right before our eyes.

Old Testament prophets predicted the coming of the Messiah. Prophecies about the coming of the Messiah have always been deeply symbolic and allegorical. This means they have never been unambiguous.

Many commentators have tried to interpret the prophetic writings in order to more accurately understand the details and signs of the coming of the Messiah. When the real Messiah (Christ) came to Earth, he was very different from human assumptions, so a difficult situation arose when those who were waiting for him could not recognize him.

Those who were destined, by divine plan, to know Christ accepted him as a teacher and savior. Is there a free choice in this situation, or is everything just a craft of God? The wise and incomprehensible providence of God is intertwined with the free choice of man. Free choice implies responsibility, and this is sometimes difficult.

Christ was recognized and accepted by those who God allowed, but the spiritual effort of the people themselves also played an important role. Reading the gospel stories, we are constantly in contact with the fact that the heroes of the story are faced with difficult choices, alternatives, and difficult decision-making in trying situations.

The readiness of the human soul to accept God is, among other things, a free choice between the illusion of the material world and the eternal bliss of the Spirit. Sathya Sai Baba often said all those who came to his ashram and were given the opportunity to meet him could only do so because he himself "invited" them.

When I heard these words of Sathya Sai Baba for the first time, it was hard for me to understand their meaning, because a huge number of people were constantly present in his ashram.

How could Sathya Sai Baba invite everyone who came to his gigantic ashram? The illusion was created that each of us came to him of our own free will as a result of our own decision. Behind all the main events of our life there is always the wise providence of God. There were many situations when people received many signs that it was time to go to India, to the ashram of Sathya Sai Baba. However, sometimes the vanity of this material world and social success dragged on, and people lost the unique opportunity to see the living God.

There are three great Vedic sacred texts that make up the entirety of Hindu philosophy — Ramayana, the Mahabharata, and the Bhagavatam. These texts tell the stories of numerous Avatars and incarnations of God, such as Rama, Narasimha, Krishna, and dozens of others.

These texts contain spiritual instructions on the most basic philosophical systems: Sankya (the structure of the inner world of a person) and Vedanta (the relationship of the soul and God).

Also, on the pages of the scriptures you can learn about the main areas of yoga: Karma yoga (service in the name of God), Bhakti yoga (devotion to God), Dhyana yoga (meditation on God), Jnana yoga (knowledge of the unity of the soul and God).

The pages of the Mahabharata give the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita — Krishna's instructions to his disciple Arjuna. The pages of the Bhagavatam narrate the teachings of the Uddava Gita, which are the instructions of Krishna to his disciple, Uddava. Obviously, the most significant of all the Avatars described in the Vedic texts is Krishna.

By studying the unique life path of Krishna, his unpredictability and incomprehensibility, we can at least get a little closer to understanding the appearance of the three Sai Avatars, in particular Prema Sai Baba.

Like Krishna, Prema Sai Baba is unpredictable and perfect in his endless divine play. For those who aspire to understand Prema Sai leela (the divine play of Prema Sai), I can advise you to immerse yourself in the study of the Bhagavatam. It is this greatest ancient text that has the power to open the spiritual heart and the eye of wisdom.

Dear reader, study the Bhagavatam, the greatest and most incomprehensible text of Vedic philosophy and mythology. By studying the stories of Krishna, it is possible to understand at least a little of the greatness and transcendence of Prema Sai Baba.

Prema Sai Baba is the most extraordinary and difficult to comprehend of the three Sai Avatars, because he is the third one. There are too many predictions, assumptions, prophecies, conjectures, and expectations about him. Through his two previous incarnations as Shirdi Sai and Sathya Sai, God prepared the ground for the coming of his greatest incarnation — Prema Sai.

In order to accept and realize the phenomenon of Prema Sai Baba, you need to completely free yourself from all prejudices, false expectations, religious conditioning, and open your spiritual heart to the flow of divine wisdom and love.

The highest teaching of Vedic philosophy is Advaita, the doctrine of the unity of the Absolute Consciousness. Advaita is not just a set of philosophical teachings, but a description of the actual experience of non-duality, which is the original unity of the soul with God.

Adi Shankara, a sage who lived in ancient times, formulated the foundations of the philosophy of Advaita, although this philosophical system existed long before him.

Studying his fundamental treatise Vivekachudamani, we see that the personal, intellectual and spiritual efforts of the student, as well as the blessing of God and the guru, are important for gaining enlightenment. Even the experience of non-duality is acquired as a gift from God.

The combination of one's spiritual efforts, the practice of meditation and the blessing of God, grant enlightenment, which is the inner experience of the Absolute Consciousness in one's spiritual heart.

The Apostle John wrote in his First Catholic Epistle that God is Light. This Upper Light in past epochs incarnated on Earth as Krishna, Buddha, Christ and many other Avatars.

In our era, this Supreme Light has incarnated as Shirdi Sai, Sathya Sai and Prema Sai. Sai is the greatest source of wisdom and love, blessings and happiness. He bestows the imperishable treasure that is enlightenment.


Sai Ram. I began work on this book on February 19, 2023, the day after Maha Shivaratri Day, and completed this work on Prema Sai Baba's birthday, June 28, 2023, when he was eleven years old.

Prema Sai Baba — Numerology Report

In this analysis I have taken Prema Sai Baba’s time and date of birth as 6.10 am,28th June 2012 and his name as Preetham Gowda Mahesh Kumar. (note: Mahesh and Kumar are taken as two separate names).

Prema Sai Baba’s birthday of 28 June (2012) or 28.06 is a perfect (number) day. There are only 4 perfect numbers below 10,000 of which 6 and 28 are two of them and Prema Sai Baba’s birthday signifies two of those four perfect numbers. Also, out of trillions of numbers only 51 perfect numbers have ever been discovered. 28 June is the only date of the year that is a completely perfect number day. Also, Prema Sai Baba’s exact birth time of 6.10am on 28 June 2012, indicates that he has a Raj yoga. A Raj yoga in one’s horoscope means that he is a born leader. Prema Sai Baba’s predecessor, Sathya Sai Baba, was born on Fibonacci Day (another mathematically significant day), that is 23rd November 1926, that is the sequence 1,1,2,3(11/23) corresponding to the first 4 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.

Furthermore, there are several great religious leaders, political leaders, business leaders and founders of religion born on 28 June. King Henry VIII, founder of the Church of England was born on 28 June 1491. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church was born on 28 June 1703. Pope Paul IV was born on 28 June 1476. Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao of India was born on 28 June 1921. Elon Musk, the world’s richest man (in 2023) was born in 28 June 1971

His soul number is 1. His soul urge is to be the driving force in life. He will be a great leader and a pioneer for change.

His personality number is 1. This usually means a fearless leader with great levels of perseverance and stamina. He is gifted with the skills to manage people and see projects through. He is very efficient and always at the forefront. He is dignified and likeable.

His destiny number is 2. This means he has psychic abilities and intuition. This also means he is a great mediator, bringing together dissonant forces through compassion empathy and kindness.

His life path number is 3. This indicates he will be a great public speaker among other things.

His fourth Pinnacle number is 11. The fourth pinnacle is about the last years of life, that is anything over 52 years old. 11 is an auspicious master number. He is gifted with unusual inspiration and insight and will leave the world with a legacy of innovation. Since forecasts vary on whether he will have children and some forecasts say he will have up to 2 children, it is possible he will have bright, unusual children that will be a legacy to this world. This material is the result of research by Anupriya Wijayaweera.


  • Gratitude
  • 1. The wonderful work of God
  • 2. Predictions that are difficult to interpret
  • 3. One consciousness — many bodies
  • 4. Sathya Sai Baba blessed this book
  • 5. Three Sai Avatars
  • 6. Shirdi Sai Baba and Sathya Sai Baba
  • 7. Reality of reincarnation
  • 8. Meeting with Sathya Sai
  • 9. Ring of John Hislop and other evidence
  • 10. History of the great book: Journey with Sai
  • 11. Sathya Sai Baba predictions about Prema Sai Baba
  • 12. Additional predictions about Prema Sai Baba
  • 13. Miracles a year before meeting Prema Sai Baba
  • 14. First meeting with the divine boy
  • 15. Who and how Prema Sai Baba was found
  • 16. Wonderful games of Little Krishna
  • 17. Miracles in the ancient city of Mysore
  • 18. Ability to understand all languages
  • 19. Knowing the truth
  • 20. Manifestations of God
  • 21. Materialization before construction of a new house
  • 22. Prema Sai’s first pilgrimages
  • 23. My trip to Nepal, miracles with Shaligram
  • 24. Divine games in Goa
  • 25. Teleportation of the brother
  • 26. Prema Sai Baba in two bodies
  • 27. Watch hidden behind a pillow
  • 28. The older brother, Keshan
  • 29. Pilgrimage to Mount Arunachala
  • 30. Prema Sai Baba and Mahavatar Babaji
  • 31. Swayambhu Lingam with a relief of the trident of the god, Shiva
  • 32. Not everyone will recognize and accept Prema Sai Baba
  • 33. Parents of God
  • 34. Education of God
  • 35. Madhusudan Sai
  • 36. Difficult questions
  • 37. Sathya Sai 96th Anniversary Celebration
  • 38. Nalin, the incarnation of Swami Vivekananda
  • 39. Amrita House, home of the nectar of immortality
  • 40. Sri Kasturi
  • 41. Common point of view
  • 42. Prema Sai Baba from Tamil Nadu
  • 43. The mysterious village of Gunaparthi
  • 44. Global transformation
  • 45. One sun and many rays
  • 46. Stages of the great awakening
  • 47. Proclamation on the subtle plane
  • 48. First Darshan in orange robe
  • 49. Open your spiritual heart
  • Prema Sai Baba — Numerology Report